Saturday, April 16, 2005


Dad didn't go to class this morning because Migi turned out to be sick when we got home from Tang Soo yesterday. Andy and Chris and I were laughing so hard yesterday over old jokes...but they had to leave about 45 minutes before me, so I was playing with Paco and Brian while dad was in class. Mr. Leonard and 2 of the kids showed up yesterday, they meant to turn their forms into either Mr. Costas or Master Washington, but neither of them were there. Lyndon was at work, so he didn't go with them. They told me that they'd been working on one-steps on Thursday. Ugh, I can't believe I missed it. Here's a list of the people I know who placed at the Ocean State Grand Nationals:
Michael - 3rd place junior Black Belt sparring
Angel - 1st place sparring & 3rd place forms
Samantha -3rd place sparringBrian - 2nd place sparring
Sean - 3rd place sparring
Shawna - 3rd place forms
Congrats to all my friends!!! According to Mr. Costas, 16 people went to Rhode Island.


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