Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Got back from Tang Soo. I got there and everyone was running already. They worked basic kicks and they sparred. Paula let me work my forms off to the side. Ay salamat. I set my watch to the clock at Tang Soo. Why on earth didn't I do that before??? Dana and Sean and Lyndon and I were laughing so hard. Oh, this night has done me so much good. One bad thing happened tonight. Christine N. got hurt sparring. Well, not hurt, not injured, but her shin had been bruised sparring before, and she was sparring tonight and she only got a light tap on the shin, but she said an "excruciating pain" shot up her leg. She can walk, but if she puts pressure on it in a certain way, it hurts. Poor Christine. She wants to spar on the 21st, but she doesn't know if she can. Well, at least she didn't pre-register for sparring. She can play it by ear.


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