Thursday, June 23, 2005


7:00 six people: Megan, Bob, Angel, Sean, Marc, and me. We worked our one-steps and self defense. 8:00 fourteen people: Kelly, Dana, Sherry, Angel, Lyndon, Leonard, me, Christine, Jo Ann, Shawna, Brian, Cableton, Kim, and Jackie. We ran through everything for testing. LOL I said I'd blog all this and here I go...1. When we were working self defense Sa Bom Nim asked Megan if she had it and she replied that yes, she did, and then looked Sa Bom Nim asked well, was she going to show him? And then he said that he ought to stop teaching us and we could blame it all on Megan. But it was, of course, all in good fun LOL. 2. Katie came in and of course she wasn't taking class. She had some ice cream with her and Sa Bom Nim asked her if she had some for him and she didn't and he said, "Bad Black Belt!" LOL. 3. Sean did not stay for the 8:00..."I promised a friend...I promised her..." and so everyone was like, "Ohhhh, you promised her...oh of course now we get it..." so there you go, I promised I'd blog about these things, and I did. ROTFL


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