Saturday, May 07, 2005


Back from the Black Belt Run. Just us, Todd E., Chris D., Paula, Sa Bom Nim, and Kenny. Paula finished first, then dad, and then Todd and Chris. Kenny and Sa Bom Nim didn't run the whole thing and they just stopped after about 3 laps and started playing basketball. Migi and Paco ran 5 laps each. LOL Kenny gave Todd a taste of "Lackawanna Wonderful". At first I didn't understand what he meant to do. Kenny went to the river and filled his Snapple bottle with water. Then he came over to me and he was like, "Smell it...I promise I won't dump it on you..." and then he said he was gonna go give Todd a taste of Lackawanna Wonderful. So off he goes and (I wasn't there or I would've stopped him) he catches up to Todd and says, "Here. Your mom told me to give you a drink." Todd sipped some and Kenny runs off laughing, "...that's Lackawanna River Water..." and I only heard about it as we were leaving. Paco told me, so I dropped back a pace and heard the story from Todd. Todd said he chucked the bottle cap at Kenny as hard as he could. LOL Migi said, "I'm never speaking to [Kenny] again. He's not my friend anymore." ROTFL We'll see if he remembers next time he sees Kenny... I got a couple pics of everyone running, and of Dad and Sa Bom Nim playing basketball. LOL I think Steph beat Sa Bom Nim playing one-on-one, I'm not sure if she beat her dad, too. Where were Gannon and Bruce and Kristal? I thought they'd be there...Well, anyway, Todd and Chris and Paula are officially black belts sooooo if they happen to read this, CONGRATULATIONS!!!


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