Wednesday, May 18, 2005


That was the best shopping trip ever!!! I got a staff, my own set of nunchakus, pants, a uniform jacket, a staff case(for all of us, of course; it can hold more than one:-), and patches, the Philippine flag crossed with the U. S. flag. That was better than going to the mall!!! I doubt that the majority of my friends would see it that way, but I'd rather go to AWMA than to the mall any day. Daddy let me get the wooden nunchakus instead of the padded ones...YESS!!! He said I ought to start with the padded ones, but I held out, and he gave in. I tested them as soon as I got outside. They're plain black, rope, not chain, and octagon-shaped, not rounded. Same as dad's old ones, except his are natural finish and not black. And his are longer. I have Confirmation practice later, and then again tomorrow, which means no karate. Well, I might go in the morning. I seem to live in several worlds; family, neighborhood, karate, and church. It feels funny when people from my separate worlds know eachother. Idk why, it just feels so weird. Small world.


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