Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Went to Tang Soo for pics. That was soooooooo much fun!!! LOL we had a family pic. Hung out, of course, which was fun...the usual, with a couple additions. Todd, Dana, John-Michael, Aaron, Gabi, Justin, Chris... 's all good lol. Looks like Yena made a new friend, too. LOL Justin and Chris' little sister, Carly. Cute kid. We had a lot of fun, lots of laughs, it was great...Aaron started dancing ROTFLWTIME...it was great. Todd had to leave rather early because of something at his church... Dana and Kelly and Ian had a lot of really cute pics taken... I think John-Michael left right after the group pic, I don't remember seeing him after that... Aaron left early, too, a couple minutes after the group pic... Gabi and Justin and Chris and I were all standing together in line, so we had a very long, funny, pleasant conversation...(long, because of how long the line was. not that I minded at all, though. made more time for chatting. 's all good)


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