Monday, August 01, 2005


nm 2 say...picked up the boys from karate earlier..was the whole class includin amy... against todd, sa bom nim, john-michael, and doc playin dodgeball in the was down 2 every1 against todd an todd jumped up against the mirrors and he sorta hit his knee on the wood and well...he was limpin and when he came over 2 the lobby, he was walkin around and his face was all scrunched up....said his knee was throbbing...ouch...well, he wasnt so hurt that he couldnt laugh when i said whoa somethin really happened 2 u 2 make ur face go all red like that what the heck...suggested that he sit down and breathe and he said nah hed work it he goes out on to the floor and starts jumpin up and down lol...was talkin 2 nicki again about kayaking...assured him that he wouldnt fall out and get eaten by a shark...nm else 2 say...talked 2 justin a bit while waitin 4 should b comin in soon...4got 2 get john-michaels s/n...and justins 2 4 that matter...looks like lots of ppl r on vaca....danielle just got back.. only ppl on right now r shannon, steph, abbey, candi, kenny, sarah, the other steph, and ninong...ought 2 sleep...loong day 2morrow...suppose ill c katie and j.m. which is good...point sparrin in bbclub this cant believe its august already...


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