Friday, May 20, 2005


We went to BBClass and Grand Master Pak taught. Then we went to CSE to help set up and we took Todd and Steph E. with us. We helped unload and bring stuff into the kitchen and gym, we unwrapped and set up trophies, we set up the chairs, tables, and we managed to stuff the newspaper into 7 small boxes and we piled the extra boxes underneath and beside the trophy tables. 135 sets of trophies! Although I understand one set was missing. We got back at about 8. Katie and Sean and I were hangin out for a little while at the end. Talkin about school, you know, college, the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT, languages, math, just stuff in general. We were laughing as we left, joking about being there at 7:50 waiting to be the first one to get inside, "Why don't we just sleep at the school?(LOL)" it was soo much fun, I'm soooooo glad we went to help out. Todd and Steph had to leave a little earlier than the rest of us. I wish they could've stayed a little longer, our conversation after they left was even funnier than before, but that's ok, Sean and Katie and I are shooting for 8 AM, LOL as we left I said, "See you guys in...a little more than 12 hours..." but I dunno what time Todd will get there... 11 hours, 14 minutes till the tournament starts!!! I'm sooooooo excited! I need to go sew the patches on to the uniforms.


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