Saturday, May 21, 2005

5/21/05 - USA Karate Championships

That was one sweet tournament! 38 people signed my shirt. I wore my black and white pants and my white top. I'd sewed on the Philippine flag patches on last night. Paco got 6 trophies, Migi got 4, and dad and mom and I each got one. And they got a couple medals, I think. Dad went for Grand Champion, but he didn't get it. That's ok, he was so close. Todd E. and I were sparring aaaaas usual:-) and just playing around in general as always. Although there were times when we were a lot more serious than we usually are, which I think pleased Steph cuz she didn't feel the need to step between us at all today... Mom and dad both got medals in the jump side kick competition. Master Todd won first in his divisions in both the jump front kick and side kick, LOL we all agreed, no surprise there. It was down to him and Paula in the jump front kick and Todd made 9 feet! We stayed to help clean up and since we also helped set up yesterday, we got free pizza and drinks. So dad got 1st in forms, mom got 3rd, and I got 1st. GO MOM!!!She was the lowest belt in her division! There were at least 6 competitors there. Mostly orange belts and one blue belt. Sarah from Avoca and I were the only ones in our division. I did Sa Dan and she did Ee Dan. Paula was one of the judges. Breaking was first, Paco and Todd E. were in the same division, Paco placed second and Todd placed first. Migi won first in breaking. Sean also won first against Aaron from Avoca. Lyndon, Marc, Brian, and Leonard were all in the same division. Next was weapons, Paco placed second and Migi placed third. Todd E. and George were in the same division, Todd did Jin Te and George did Chil Sung 3. Andy competed in weapons, but did not place, which we all agreed was not fair, as someone from another school who had dropped his staff placed. Andy deserved to place, we all agreed on that. He was the only one with 2 nunchucks, 3 had staffs and 2 had 1 nunchuck each. Oh well. Next was the jump kick competitions. Then Grand Master Pak did a demonstration. Next was forms. Traditional then open. Last was sparring. Paco placed second and Migi placed third. Sparring was a rather dissapointing event for some of the others. Todd E. got kicked in the stomach and the throat, and he also got a small scratch. I was standing with a small group from our school including Steph, Sean, and Todd L., who said that George got a couple bad calls. The last point was disgusting. It was 4/4 and they were going for the winning point. I saw George score, I was so sure that he'd won, and then a point was given to his opponent. I know George scored first and the other kid scored afterwards. I knew, we all saw it. I wasn't the only one, I know. We were all sorta upset, you could see it(and hear it, for that matter) in everyone who'd been watching from our school. Paula won two Grand Champion trophies!!! Forms and Sparring. Both Men's Grand Champion trophies were taken by other schools. Todd L. sparred for Grand Champion, but he didn't spar as hard as he usually does, he said later that he simply was not warmed up enough. I think Bobby was a little upset about sparring, I'm not sure why, I didn't get to see him spar, but he left right after sparring. I saw Master Washington and Mr. Costas having a very serious conversation with him before he left. Don't misunderstand, he wasn't upset because of the conversation, they were talking to him because he was upset. You could see it in his face. LOL I think all the instructors got certificates(including dad:-) and when Todd L.'s name was called, he happened to be sparring in the hall with Todd E. and George, and so I went to get him and they were joking about how he'd done that on purpose so that he could make his "grand entrance", LOL their words, not mine. And when I told him about it later he insisted that it was an accident...(LOL not that I don't believe him) Mackenzie competed anyway, despite her arm, and she and Paul were in the same division, and they did the same form; Sa Dan, same as me. I'll blog more later if I remember anything else. Oh yeah, Megan couldn't compete because of her ankle, and so Katie was the only one competing in her family.


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