Thursday, August 11, 2005


Double tonight!!!! 7 - Katie, Paula, Bob, Sherry, and me. Warmup, then kicks, rotating, one in each direction. First front, the round, and last side. Then we worked techiniques with our nunchucks, and then we got to the form. Found out what the surprise at the seminar is gonna be, but I'm not sayin nuttin... lol. 8 - Kelly, Dana, Lyndon, Leonard, me, Christine, Shawna, Jo Ann, and Dave. Ran back and forth between the cones, then stretch kicks down run back, then side stretch kicks and running back, then front and round and side kicks, doing crab walks back. Then self-defense, one-steps, and forms. Great night!!! 120 jumping-jacks total! 70 in the 7:00 and 50 in the 8:00 mann. C u all 2morrow.


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