Saturday, September 10, 2005

9/10/05 Black Belt Run

Black Belt Run: got home at around 5, got there at 10 to 3. Just us, John Mike, and Kenny. Well, and the rest of John Mike's family, of course. I took care of Yena for a bit, cuz she wanted to run with me, so I let her. rotfl she was running so hard, and of course I didn't have any trouble keeping up, so I let her get ahead for a bit, and then when I caught up, she'd be so tired, it was funny. I don't think dad ran the whole thing. Well, no one did, 'cept John Mike of course.When she got restless, I took her to dad and the boys over at the playground(well, one of the many at Mellow Park lol) and I ran by myself a bit. Took a break when I got back to seat. When John Mike passed us, Kenny and I joined him for his last lap. Paco joined us near the end, and at the same time, Kenny left to say hi to someone he knew(there was a soccer game; vv vs ?) and so John Mike and Paco and I finished the lap. Oh, vv won the game last night:-) Congrats! Yeah so my afternoon was divided between babysitting, running, and jc. Kenny caught a crawfish(supposedly 4 me, or so he said...?), but I told him to go put it back lol.


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