Friday, September 09, 2005


BBClub 6:15 - Costas, Dave, Katie, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Cara, Sherry, Danielle, Aaron, Marc, Woody, Christine, Jo Ann, Shawna, Sarah, and me. Worked staff forms. LOL I was standing over in the lobby, John Mike comes over and he's like, "Don't tell me I'm the only one running tomorrow!" and so I said I'd be there, and he was like, "You better be...!!!" So the rest of the night I was sorta askin around who was going to the run. Cristhian looks like he's going, Aaron is gonna try. Marc has work, Todd has a game, idk about Danielle. Lots of people got staffs, those black and red ones that screw together. I think Katie(red?), Cristhian(black), Sherry, Danielle(wood), Aaron, Marc(black), Christine(red?), Jo Ann(red), Shawna, Sarah(black?, and Todd(red) all got staffs(whoa...), and as you can see, I tried to put the colors where I remembered them LOL...C u guys @ the run!!! G2g ttyl ppl...


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