Friday, August 12, 2005


BBClass and Club tonight. Which was greatttt! Doc, Tommy, Dad, Paco, Todd, Ian, and Bruce in the 4:45. Wow, Paula gave them a workout! LOL, well, that's Paula... 5:30 LOTS of kids...can't remember everyone of course LOL but I do remember that, besides my own brothers, of course, there was Paul, Chris, Andy, and Jordan. I don't remember anyone else, though. Dad and Todd helped out with that class. In my class: Dave, Dad, Todd, Cristhian, Bob, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, Marc, me, Sarah, Jo Ann, Christine, and Shawna. OMG right in the middle of warmup, when we were doing arm circles(I think...something...rotating...something. LOL), the power went out. Dad and Dave went to see if we were out, like, out of power, so anyway, we were. So...the rest of the class was in total darkness, and the lights(and the fans, for that matter) didn't go on until we were about to bow out! It was so funny... Anyway, GREAT CLASS!!! Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun! LOL. Actually, I think it was more fun with the lights out. It was great. LOL Oh Man! The clock didn't stop of course, cuz it was on batteries! LOL oh well...So anyway, right after warmup, we got our gear on. We partnered up and sparred, just to warmup a bit. I sparred Todd and Danielle. Then, we...uh...didn't circle up, rather we were just sitting in a group facing the windows so that the people could spar in the light. (And so that the judges could see...) I sparred Cara and Sarah. It was fun! A lot more fun than I usually have with sparring. The most exciting match was Aaron vs. Cristhian. LOL we were saying it was partly because they were both so tall, their kicks are amazing. LOL we were talking a lot while that match was goin on; about how Cristhian's legs were longer, blah blah blah....Crazy match, those two were goin at it like hammer and tongs, Geez! It was a great match! (Then again, there were a lot of great matches that night! LOL) The longest match was between Dave and Bob, cuz it was only Paula and dad judging, and so of course they have to agree for there to be a point. So they kept on seeing different things of course, and so they kept on calling different points, it was so funny(and of course, in the background..."...we could be here all night...we'll be here til nine's ok...slumber party at the karate school...ooohh we're gonna be here a while..." all in good fun of course, it was fun watching that one, too, and we were quite enjoying the lenght of it). Shawna and Danielle sparred each other, and so Paula was joking about how that was why she taught, so she could get them to spar. "Just to get them in the same room...!" ROTFL and of course, since we were all sitting on the ground, there really was a lot of *rolling on the floor laughing*(not me...! It was really just one person actually...if you ppl can guess who...oh im dead now aren't I ROTFL...) Don't think I've ever laughed so much in one class. It was great! sitting around in the dark, no fans, hardly any light for it was starting to get dark, and besides that, it had just rained, and was still drizzling for that matter, just hanging out, laughing, a lot of "under their breath," if you will, "whoa"s and "aahh"s and stuff, and a lot of low whistling, you get the idea. It was fun, in the dark lol. Killed someone's foot, and head I think..(yah I was askin for it, but you didnt give it to me...)I think the dark also made it more enjoyable than usual. Really great night. 'S all good...night ppl. BTW..I'll be at class tomorrow if any of you are going. And Monday and Tuesday, cuz we're leaving on Wednesday for St. Louis, and we're staying there for three weeks. Meanwhile, dad's gonna be in Germany, so we'll see you guys in September. Oh, and I forgot to say last night that Paula said that Justin and Chris are going for their black belts next month, if they're ready. Right, ttyl ppl... always, Undómiel of Imladris, aka Ais:P


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