Wednesday, September 21, 2005


First of all...thanx Lyndon:-) I'll miss all of you guys, too. And will definitely keep in touch! Don't worry, ought to see each other every three months, won't give Sean any reason to chain me to a wall... LOL!

Last night 7:00 - Just Kristy, Paula, Sherry, Marc, and me. But AAARRGGHHH Sa Bom Nim gave us a beating! Warmup included 12 laps and 30 jumpingjacks. Then we each had one wavemaster to ourselves and we had to do (10 on each leg and 10 jumpingjacks inbetween each set of 10) front, round, side, spinning back, jump flying side, jump spinning back, spinning back hook, ax, step up double round, and step up side kicks. We also had to do front arm jab, reverse punch. 20 each side. Then cones, running back and forth between them. First running down, walking back. Then run down and run backwards back. Then sideways, stepping in front, then behind, and so alternating. Then 50 crunches, 30 leg raises, 30 left and right obliques, then 30 leg raises on each side. LOL I meant to stay for the next one, but I couldn't possibly after all that! and I'm glad I didn't because I saw Paula make them do 60 jumping jacks, and 15 laps! AAARRRGGHH! and I saw them dragging out the wavemasters as I left. Was sparring with Lyndon before his class and tried a jump spinning back kick for the first time. LOL he said I was in an agressive mood that night and asked what had put me in such a good mood. Cristhian saw it and said that he'd never seen me do that before and that I ought to do it when I spar. 8:00 was Cristhian, Angel, Lyndon, Leonard, Shawna, Jo Ann, Dave, and his buddy. Kelly was there, but she was talking to Sa Bom Nim, I guess about a make up test.


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