Friday, September 23, 2005

9/23/05 - Staffs!!!

Wow so much fun tonight! Worked staffs; 6:15 - Dave, dad, Katie, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Gary, Sherry, Angel, Paul, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, me, Sarah, Woody, Marc, Shawna, and Jo Ann. Split up and worked it, while Sa Bom Nim was teaching Bong Hyung Ee Bu to some of the higher students. But the best part of tonight was before and after class, when Megan and Aaron and I were flipping! And Dave did a one-handed cartwheel! Aaron did a one-handed cartwheel, too. Megan's a master at handstand-walks! We were teaching Aaron how to do a handstand; he did it for the first time tonight and he did great! It feels so good, I can still do a round-off handspring, a one-handed front walk-over, and a front handspring step-out. And I did a handstand triple pirouette for the very first time!!! lol sorry, I was going crazy. Megan and I had a handstand contest, and we were flipping up and down the floor, it was so much fun!


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