Friday, October 28, 2005


BBClass - Paula, Ian, Paco, Michael, Matthew, and Todd. Sparred, endurance sparring, 2 minutes, 3-on-1. LOL I think best match was Todd vs Paco & Michael & Ian. That was really good. LOL one big kid against 3 ppl half his height haha that was really funny. BBClub 5:30, there were 11 kids and Todd helped out so... I can remember Andy, Chris, Jordan, Jason, Migi and Paco of course, I can't remember anyone else though; the rest were from Avoca so lol I don't know their names, sorry... Anyway, 6:15 - Dave, Paula, Katie, Todd, Megan, Gary, Bob, Shawna, Christine, Aaron, Danielle, Jo Ann, Sarah, me, Marc, Mike, Woody, and Michael... I think. LOL I know there were 18 of us so... I'm not sure about Michael... I think it was him... anyway, self-defense, pressure points... ARGH that hurt!!! Sa Bom Nim beat up poor Bob as usual... we owe him so much... plenty of laughter and shouts of "Thanks Bob!!!" and such... so funny... but, man! I could see it in his face how much it hurt... IT HURTS WHEN SA BOM NIM DECIDES THAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO FEEL IT... that one on the neck really hurt... OW! Anyway, Halloween Party tomorrow...see you ppl there!!!!


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