Thursday, January 19, 2006

1/19/05 goodbye....

The most wonderful night. A satisfying goodbye night. Was there from 4:45 to 9:30. I think there were 8 kids in the 4:45. Around the same number in the 5:30. At least 18 kids in the 6:15. 7:00 - Dave, Paula, Katie, Justin Y., Justin S., Chris, Kelly, Andy, Bob, Oscar, Cristhian, Doc, Sherry, Lyndon, me, Marc, and Jo Ann. Dave warmed us up, and Sa Bom Nim worked us on combinations. We partnered up and worked self-defense. I can't remember everyone, but I know that Kelly was with Justin, and Andy was with Chris, and Jo Ann and Sherry and Marc were together, and I was with Lyndon, and I think Katie was with Paula... I can't remember any more. A very satisfying night. I stayed for the 8:00 - Cristhian, Sean, Marc, me, Shawna, and Scott. We worked the bags and sparred. Scott is very good for a yellow belt! I'm so glad I got to see everyone. We were all so surprised when Cristhian came. Marc was saying how it was like his first night, with Cristhian and Katie and Bob there. What can I say; I couldn't think of a single class that was as big as that. Especially now that Justin and Chris and Andy are in the adult class. I cannot wait to see you all in March! You have become the dearest of friends and the bonds I have formed with all of you are unlike any other that I have ever made in public school and choir and gymnastics. I only regret that I couldn't see Meg(get better!!!) and Todd(what can I say?) and Kwan Jang Nim( a BIG hug to you, sir!) and Sarah(keep blogging!!!) and Christine(thanks for keeping me up to date these past two weeks!) and Michael(star wars...) and Danielle(added any weapons to that collection since I last talked to you?) and so many more.... BUT I thank all of you that I DID see for making it such a pleasant, uplifting, assuring, heart-warming goodbye. You will all be in my thoughts very often. Always, Ais:P


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