Friday, December 23, 2005

12/23/05 THROWING STARS!!!!!

HOORAYYYY!!!!!! Throwing stars!!! 4:45 - John Mike, Katie, Doc, Paco, Ian, Bruce, and Todd. They worked Bong Hyung Il, Ee, and Sam Bu, and also Nunchaku Hyung Il Bu. 5:30 was a lot bigger, and I can't remember everybody, but there was the usual; Todd, Andy, Max, Jordan, Paco, Migi..... aaahhh I can't remember anymore...sorry. There were at least 15 kids. Dave asked me to turn on the music for them. Anyway, while that class was throwing, Aaron, Michael, Paul, Danielle, Megan, Sarah, and I were dancing and flipping. 6:15 - Katie, Todd, Megan, Paul, Michael, Aaron, Danielle, Sarah, and me. Stretched out really quickly(with plenty of laughs), then went straight to throwing stars. As Paul and I were the only ones who hadn't thrown before, we went first. That was the sweetest class everrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha lots of groaning as we each managed to hit the dude where the sun don't shine... ouuuchhhhhh.... anyway, I made it go right through the dry-wall! Sweettt!!! Laughing and playing around, had plenty of time before class to chat while Dave was taking care of something with the kids. So we were hanging out; I saw Aaron sparring someone, I think it was Paul. During class, Katie asked me to put on Mortal Kombat... We had a group pic after the class, and I made sure that everyone had signed my autograph book. Merry Christmas everyone! I can't wait to work with stars again! I will see you all in about 3 weeks. Meanwhile, keep blogging so that I can keep up! All my love, Ais:P


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