Thursday, December 22, 2005


7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Katie, Paula, Justin, Megan, Oscar, Doc, Leonard, Lyndon, me, and Jo Ann. Kristy warmed us up, quick stretch, then Sa Bom Nim had us do our stretch kicks. Then jab, reverse-punch, hook, 10 with our left foot forward, 20 with the right. Partnered up; Paula and Katie, Kristy and Jo Ann, John Mike and Justin, Doc and Oscar, Leonard and Lyndon, and me and Meg. Worked spinning back hook kicks, 10 each leg. Then jump front kicks and flying jump side kicks. Then self-defense for a bit; Mu Rup Chagi(sp???), then added an elbow, and then we worked take-downs.... and then Sa Bom killed us with leg lifts and then separating and then switching.... ARGH I'm gonna feel that tomorrow... See yaz for throwing stars!


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