Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Great Night!!! Soooo good to be back...got there at around 4:30. Migi took class first, there were around 10 of them there, including one buddy that the Lynns had brought. I tipped them after class(blue). There were 8 in the 5:30, and they did some girls vs. boys games... helped out with that a bit, just making sure that the kids punched with the correct hand(they were alternating front-hand punch and reverse punch). Paula taught the 6:15. That was a really big class; at least 15 kids. The adult class was really small compared to yesterday's 7:00; Paula, Justin(black belt, from about 6 years back. Or so I heard.), Sherry, Leonard, Marc, Lyndon, me, and Jo Ann. Whew, Paula gave us a good stretch; included the usual 50 jumpingjacks and 10 laps lol... We worked kicks the rest of the night; partnered up; Paula and Sherry, Justin and Marc, Leonard and Lyndon, me and Jo Ann. Front, round, side, and back kicks. Worked on sticking it. Then pulled out the bags and used them for support, while perfecting our round and side kicks... argh, gonna be feeling that tomorrow for sure... but, man! it felt so good to be back! Sorry I didn't stay for the 8:00, guys. But I'll see you all on Thursday... and if you're not there, then I'll see you Friday(and don't say you're going to miss throwing stars!!!) If I don't see you this week, then I won't see you again until week of January 18, and if I don't see you that week, then I won't see you till March testing, and if I don't see you at March testing... then God knows when I'll see you again, I'm afraid. Reason being, we leave January 2nd, and we'll be gone for two weeks. We get back the 17th, but I'll only be around for a week, because mom and dad have to drop me off in St. Louis, because I'm going on a trip with my grandparents. I expect you'll all be seeing my brothers and dad for a couple weeks yet after I'm gone, but after January 23rd, I won't be back here in PA until March. I'm really going to miss all of you, and I hope I get a chance to say goodbye personally to each and every one of you. If not... well, I don't like to think of what will happen if I don't get to. So... make sure you guys get to at least one class this week or the week of the 18th... or I'm gonna die. LOL... Happy Holidays to all of you... and I do promise to take the sparring class on Jan. 21st. HOLD ME TO THAT PROMISE lol...


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