Monday, December 26, 2005


Migi and I tested. Quick stretch. 10 laps... and it is insane trying to keep up with Paco so don't ask how I managed to keep up with Migi; all I know is I don't want to do that again for a while. That's almost like keeping up with Master Todd.... ARGHHH anyway... punches. Middle, then 2 middle and one each of high and low, then 2 of middle, high, and low. Then up and down the floor; low block reverse punch; high block reverse punch; mid-section knife hand reverse punch; double forearm block reverse spear-thrust. Then kicks, adding a front-arm jab and reverse punch to each. Front, round, side. Then forms; Kee Cho Hyung Il Bu, Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bu, Pyung Ahn Ee Dan, then Pyung Ahn Sa Dan and I sat down. Paco and Migi continued with the Bassai forms. Paco and I did our one-steps. Then sparring; Migi vs. Paco, then Paco vs. me, then dad fought me(ahhh I'm going to be feeling that tomorrow) and finally breaking. I broke the board into 3 parts! Well... I have to get some sleep. So Migi is a Cho Dan Bo......... yikes. See you ppl in a couple weeks.


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