Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Party 10/29/05

GREAT Halloween Party! Well, not as great as last year's party...but it was ok anyway. Sean and Lyndon didn't come... neither did Katie, Megan, Todd, Todd... Wonder where they were... But there were ppl from Avoca this year! Aaron and Danielle of course, and most of the younger kids. George wore the same thing he did last year... which was nothing and a demon mask... so last year he was a demon construction worker, and this year he was a demon... uhh... nothing. W/e. Chris wore the same costume he wore last year; he was a Ringwraith. Andy really did dress up as a princess, which was plain freaky!!! Max was Edward Scissorhands which was freaky also... Danielle was a pirate and Aaron was... nothing. LOL that's ok. When we all got changed later into regular clothes, we had a bit of sparring, which was a lot of fun!!! 3-on-1... me and Chris and Michael against Aaron... and then a couple 1-on-1 matches here and there... me and Chris of course. And I would've liked to spar Andy properly... LOL it's ok, it was a lot of fun. Left my coat there, argh, but that's ok, I'll get it on Tuesday. Miss Barb saved the list for me; I've got all those lists to scan, I know. And I will, today, if I have time.


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