Thursday, November 03, 2005

11/01/05 and 11/03/05

Double classes both nights and oh boy I am so dead LOL...

11/01 7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Gary, Bob, Oscar, Paul, Sherry, Sean, Leonard, Lyndon, Marc, me, and Jo Ann. 8:00 - Kelly, Sean, me, Christine, Scott, and Rob. Worked forms all night, Sa Bom Nim taught both. He had me work Sa Dan and Oh Dan. Worked out just a bit. Thanx to Sean for staying!!! It meant a lot

11/03 7:00 - John Mike, Paula, Katie, Bob, Gary, Sherry, Marc, and me. Worked up and down the floor kicking techniques and combinations. Partnered up and worked combinations; I was with Sherry. We separated for the last 8 minutes to work forms. 8:00 - Kelly, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Christine, Rob, and T. J.(Jo Ann's nephew, here for 6 weeks, 15 yrs old). ARGH Paula gave us the usual workout lol...18 LAPS AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH... and then kicks again after warmup... need to work on my balance; she had me try a spinning hook kick, round kick, without setting my foot down, and I cannot seem to balance properly...

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to be there tomorrow... I'm too tired and I've got a lot to do... so see you ppl next week... and you, too, Kenny.... it will be good seeing you in uniform again... night ppl


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