Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Sa Bom Nim taught. I only did the first class; 7 - John Mike, Kenny, Katie, Megan, Mike, Bob, Oscar, Sherry, Leonard, Lyndon, and me; 8 - Kelly, Sean, Shawna, Christine, Scott, and Rob; I don't know if anyone from the 7:00 stayed for the next one.. Bob warmed us up, then we did circuit twice through. The first time, the holders were Bob, Oscar, Sherry, Leonard, Lydon, and me. 5 of each; right front kicks, left front kicks, right round kicks, left round kicks, right jump front kicks, and left jump front kicks; 5 times around. We switched holders, and the second row went. The second round, same holders together, split up into first and second row; 10 pushups, then the one where one person is lying on the ground and they're holding on to the ankles of someone else, and the person who is standing up pushes their feet back down every the they come up, but their feet cannot touch the ground. So if the person pushing pushes hard, then of course we have to be able to control it. Anyway, after the pushups, 10 pushing straight down, 10 pushing to the right, 10 pushing to the left, then 10 jumpingjacks, and 10 mountain climbers; back and forth counting as one. Again, we switched. The front row had to do it 5 times around, but, I don't know why, but the second group only had to do it 3 times around. And I remember doing it twice, but for some reason I don't remember doing it a third time... when I started doing my pushups, John Mike said, "No, stop... you're done." and I was like, "Wha..?" and Katie said, "Yeah, I saw him three times, adn him three times, and I'm pretty sure I saw you three times..." And Kenny said, "Yeah, Aisa, don't you remember? You came twice, and then the third time, you kicked me?" LOL Sherry said, "Aisa. Are You Insane?!?! We did it three times!" and I suppose she said that partly because if I did it again, the whole group would have to... LOL... but yeah, see, it happened like this. John Mike was counting pushups, Kenny was doing the straight up and down, Katie to the right, Meg to the left, Sa Bom Nim was counting our jumpingjacks, and Mike was counting mountain climbers. Anyway, Kenny wanted me to go faster, because he was counting, and I wasn't keeping up with his counting. So the third time through(I'm still not convinced that I did it three times through) I came up really fast on the third one, and he wasn't expecting it, so it went past his hands and I kicked him in the chest. Not hard at all, mind you... Anyway, so he got back at me, by grabbing my feet on the third to last time, and holding on for a bit, before suddenly pushing them down hard. HAH! It didn't work... so HAH HAH. Anyway... I desperately need to find someone to take over this blog, so if any of you would like to, please contact me....


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