Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So yeah Kenny came back yesterday... anyway... forgot to mention that. And Todd taught the 7:00 yesterday as usual... and so I was just standing there talkint to Katie and he comes up to me and asks if I'm staying for class and so I say no sir and he's just like pfft. Oh well thanks... and so I begin to explain and he's just like pfft and waves me off... all in good fun of course LOL So. Today, double classes as usual...7:00 - Kristy taught; Kenny, Kelly, Gary, Sherry, and me. 8:00 - Kelly taught; Sherry, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Rob, and T. J. Worked forms in both classes. Sent back to work on 15 count with Rob and T. J. I worked especially on Ee Dan and Sa Dan. Kristy made us do 15 laps; Kelly had us do 5. Kenny's cool with the little kids LOL he was helping out with the Juniors' class... can't decide who's better with them; Kenny or Master Todd? LOL so anyway... were running the 15 laps, right... and Kenny was leading us of course(oh and btw, thanx for going at a nice slow pace..) and he was trying to throw us off by counting over... so he'd say hanna and then say hanna again... none of us were fooled however so... it made it fun and easy though... talking and laughing makes it so much easier... so yeah he didn't fool us, but he madeit a lot easier for us all... of for me at least LOL... so yeah class was great tonight... see yaz Thursday... or Friday... or tomorrow LOL w/e...


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