Thursday, November 10, 2005


Big class tonight! I only did one, I'm sorry... but I will definitely be there tomorrow! Paco is still too sick, but I'll be there from 5:30 to 7, promise... Anyway, Sa Bom Nim taught tonight. We worked up and down the floor. Low block, reverse punch; high block, reverse punch; and so on with inside block and knife hand... then front, round, and side kicks... then we worked forms. I worked Pyung Ahn Sa Dan until Sa Bom Nim came round to me and asked to see Oh Dan instead, then he sent me back to work Sa Dan with the others. We partnered up afterwards and worked knife defenses. Katie was my partner. So yeah, didn't stay for the next class, but I will be there for kamas tomorrow... see yaz. -ais:P


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