Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well... BBClass... 5:30... wow days are getting so dark now... anyway... Amy, Paco, Matthew, and Todd E. Paula was teaching. They worked forms... gotta work 'em guys, especially you, Todd, you need them for your evaluation! Kids sparring, they did a lot of 2-on-1 3-on-1 type thing... LOL Sam was one of the three against her brother, and Paula told her to, "Get in there, Sam! I'm giving you the opportunity of a lifetime!" hahahahahahahahaha... During BBC, I wasn't lonely; Aaron came up for the 7:00, but he came early, and we hung out until the kids' sparring class, which Paula asked him if he'd like to help out with. We sparred a bit, and haha he got me twice, front kick to the stomach, and punch to the head... hahahahaha that was good. He got me good. LOL. In the kids class... umm... Paco, Matthew, Charley(?), Nicki, Sam, Michael, Timothy, Jennifer, Migi... I can't remember if anyone else was there. Adults' class... Aaron, Todd L., Katie, Megan, Shawna, Justin, Chris... I know there were more, but I totally forget. Paula taught all the classes tonight, and I think there was kickboxing, and Aaron might have stayed for it I think... I haven't seen Master Frank in a while, but I think he's been down in Avoca... I haven't seen Cristhian either... and do you ppl know that Mackenzie quit? Dunno why... Anyway, no class tomorrow through Sunday, so I will see you all next month, or more likely, next year. Good luck at testing! I suppose I'll be taking a break from this blog... so I hope you guys blog for me so that I know what's going on over there... Heyy we need more ppl in this blog!!! More more more!!!


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