Friday, April 29, 2005


got back from karate...i didnt know we were going until the last minute...they didnt use kamas after all for some reason they sparred all night instead...small black belt class but huge kids bbc there mustve been about 25 kids...very exciting matches...especially when it came down to 2/2 and the next one would be the winning point...todd e went straight to a soccer game after his class...last week he played against dana w and i think he said hes playing him again tonight...todd refused to wear his obstinate...mrs e told steph to leave him alone...his fault if he hurts himself again...i hope it doesnt rain on praying the rain will hold off until later a lot didnt go to class tonight...

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Got back from Tang Soo. I ended up participating in the women's self-defense seminar after all. Sa Bom Nim told me to. I couldn't do the kicks, or the jumping-jacks. This brace is maddening. Master Drumm got my carotoid artery...ow! I know that technique's gonna be stuck in my head:-) I had to take the pic at the end of the tactical self-defense seminar and everyone was laughing because I said, "One, (click) two, three..." They were all laughing, not in a mean way, they were just teasing. Katie went to Huntzinger's last month and she was in the same division as Kenny in forms. I think that was 14-16 black belts. I suppose Katie's going on 17. Mom and dad and I all got certificates for participating in the seminars. Mine says, "Self Defense Seminar; This certificate is hereby awarded for the completion of the Self Defense Seminar: Aisa P. Congratulations to you, who has taken another journey in an attempt to seek the void and endless knowledge, and fulfill the quest to be your personal best. To increase your over all fitness levels and enhance your mental awareness skills. Master Kovaleski's Karate USA Sunday, April 24, 2005. Master E Kovaleski, Master D W Drumm." Dad's says more or less the same, but the top says Tactical Self Defense. The black belt run is set up for May 7th. New rule: Black Belt Class is now strictly for black belts. Cho Dan Bo's are not allowed to attend. Dad said something about another Black Belt Class being set up for Wednesdays. So that means BBC on Wed. and Fri. so that means Migi, Paco, mom and I go on Tues., Paco and dad go on Wed., Migs, Pacs, mom and I go on Thurs., and dad and Pacs go on Fri. and Migi goes every other Fri. and besides all that we go Sat. morning sometimes.