Saturday, June 18, 2005


LOL 11 AM: dad, me Shawna, mom, and Gabi. Kristy taught and we were having a lot of fun...ok, maybe a little too much fun. But that's ok, I think it is a good thing to have a class like that every once in a while. Laughing is one of the things that keeps me alive LOL. 12:00: dad and Kristy taught and Todd and I helped out. We had some fun...Skylar is so cute:P Laughing so hard over the boys' yells...Paco and Migi were yelling "haduken" or something like that...ROTFLWTIME. There are 10 invitations waiting to be answered; Paula, ?, Dana, Christine, Bobby, ?, Kenny, Sarah, Marc, and Kristy.


we had class yesterday mr. costas was teaching i thought there was bbc but there was only blackbelt class & i had told my mom to pick us up at 6:15 so i had to call her & then all of a sudden dad and ats are here so i end up telleng mom i don't need her


Thursday, June 16, 2005

testing is coming!

(thunder)testing is coming!!(spooky voice & sounds)so be prepared ha ha ha!(lightning flash)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Paco and dad took the 5:30 which was BBClass and then I got Mrs. Erb to let Todd stay, and so he stayed for the next two sparring classes. Paco and Migi sparred tonight, and dad judged. Master Todd ran the kids' sparring classes and then he was warming up the adults when we left. The BBClass was practicing self-defense and they were focusing on grappling techniques. LOL then shall we say it? wrestled? No, that isn't right. Idk how to describe it, but they were trying to cut off each others' air. So dad was against Master Todd and he managed to flip him, and then it was Todd against Sa Bom Nim and then it was dad's turn to go against Sa Bom Nim. I was a little worried about dad hurting himself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


7:00: John-Michael, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Christine, Sean, me, and Marc. We worked up and down the floor techniques, and then we sorta did a kind of circuit working on kicks on the pads(and I got a major beating from J. M. lol no surprise there...geez that kid has a lot of power...and he uses it, man), and then we sparred. I got Sean to stay, and now I owe him because I had to drop out in the middle of the 8:00 because of my durn knee. I didn't want to give up, but it really hurt when I did a front stance...So anyway at the 8:00 was Sean, Leonard, me, Dawn, Brian, Christine, Shawna, mom, and Cableton. We worked jump kicks, forms, and I broke my board. I broke it on the second try. Mom broke hers and so did Dawn. It was ok...