Saturday, May 07, 2005


Back from the Black Belt Run. Just us, Todd E., Chris D., Paula, Sa Bom Nim, and Kenny. Paula finished first, then dad, and then Todd and Chris. Kenny and Sa Bom Nim didn't run the whole thing and they just stopped after about 3 laps and started playing basketball. Migi and Paco ran 5 laps each. LOL Kenny gave Todd a taste of "Lackawanna Wonderful". At first I didn't understand what he meant to do. Kenny went to the river and filled his Snapple bottle with water. Then he came over to me and he was like, "Smell it...I promise I won't dump it on you..." and then he said he was gonna go give Todd a taste of Lackawanna Wonderful. So off he goes and (I wasn't there or I would've stopped him) he catches up to Todd and says, "Here. Your mom told me to give you a drink." Todd sipped some and Kenny runs off laughing, "...that's Lackawanna River Water..." and I only heard about it as we were leaving. Paco told me, so I dropped back a pace and heard the story from Todd. Todd said he chucked the bottle cap at Kenny as hard as he could. LOL Migi said, "I'm never speaking to [Kenny] again. He's not my friend anymore." ROTFL We'll see if he remembers next time he sees Kenny... I got a couple pics of everyone running, and of Dad and Sa Bom Nim playing basketball. LOL I think Steph beat Sa Bom Nim playing one-on-one, I'm not sure if she beat her dad, too. Where were Gannon and Bruce and Kristal? I thought they'd be there...Well, anyway, Todd and Chris and Paula are officially black belts sooooo if they happen to read this, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Friday, May 06, 2005


Back from Tang Soo. It is 7:42. They practiced for the tournament. BBClass: dad, Paco, Doc, Tommy, George, Bruce, Ian, Todd E., and Katie. Children's BBClub: Migi, Paco, Kayla, Mackenzie, Panos, Stavros, Andy, Paul, and George. Adults: Kara, Christine, Shawna, Katie, and dad. They worked forms, weapons, breaking, and the adult class sparred. Katie practised for the jump front kick competition, and dad practised for the jump side kick. Katie's last kick was fabulous! Sa Bom Nim was holding it as high as he could (still level, of course). Daddy jumped 12 feet on his last flying jump side kick! They both scared me... ;-) Quite a night; small classes, but very exciting. Master Eric said that Master Todd jumped 14 1/2 feet at the jump side kick competition...I'm not sure if that was Battle of LA or something. Oh, and he hasn't been coming on Fridays because he's at Tang Soo from 4:45 to 9 pm on Mondays and Thursdays. He teaches the 4:45, helps with the 5:30 and 6:15, and then takes the 7 and the 8. Geez, how do people like Todd and Katie and Paula and Costas not get sick? Well, for a lot of us, Tang Soo is our life. As Sean says, Tang Soo is our second family. So anyway, George and Andy and I were laughing our heads off today...and I just found out that Andy is older than me!!! by 3 months! When I heard that, I turned towards George and I was like, "Don't tell me you're older than me, too..." but no, I was right there, George is 12. He and Andy kept on waving their hands in front of the camera, and Paul poked me. All in good fun, of course:-) Todd did BBClass, and then, since his mom was gone and he felt like it, he jumped in with the kids' BBC. But then his mom showed up and he'd just finished running his 10 laps, but he had to drop out, soo...he's probably at his grandma's house right now...HA, which is why he felt like staying for BBClub for once since he got his black belt. Omigosh, I've totally forgotten to mention that...I GOT MY BRACE OFF!!! I can live again LOL. I keep forgetting, though, and I've still been going up the stairs one at a time instead of my normal two. Steph was running through the kickboxing card box and telling me who she knew and stuff...Black belt run tomorrow and I want to walk a couple of laps. I promised dad I wouldn't push it. G2g eat dinner.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Went to karate. In uniform!!! Ha HA I could only walk through my forms, but MAN it felt soooo good to be back out on that training floor!!! Worked one-steps, Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bu, Pyung Ahn Cho Dan, Ee Dan, and Sa Dan, and then Dana and Kelly went on with the Bassai forms. Then, we all sat down and we rehersed for the tournament. Where was Sean tonight? I thought he'd be breaking. BBClass and no club tomorrow. I suppose I'll have my brace off by lunch tomorrow. Rather small class, Ms. Barb said it had been like that all day.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Got back from Tang Soo. I got there and everyone was running already. They worked basic kicks and they sparred. Paula let me work my forms off to the side. Ay salamat. I set my watch to the clock at Tang Soo. Why on earth didn't I do that before??? Dana and Sean and Lyndon and I were laughing so hard. Oh, this night has done me so much good. One bad thing happened tonight. Christine N. got hurt sparring. Well, not hurt, not injured, but her shin had been bruised sparring before, and she was sparring tonight and she only got a light tap on the shin, but she said an "excruciating pain" shot up her leg. She can walk, but if she puts pressure on it in a certain way, it hurts. Poor Christine. She wants to spar on the 21st, but she doesn't know if she can. Well, at least she didn't pre-register for sparring. She can play it by ear.