Friday, November 18, 2005


6:15 - Todd, Bob, Paul, Cara, Sherry, Woody, Aaron, Danielle, Michael, me, Sarah, Marc, Jo Ann, Shawna, and Christine. Dave taught, and Sa Bom Nim came around when we were separated into groups. We warmed up, 10 laps. Then we went straight into the Kama Hyung Il Bu. We worked the whole thing, a bit at a time, gradually adding on, until we had it. Then we separated into three groups; Todd, Bob, Paul, Cara, and Sherry in one, facing the office; Woody, Aaron, Daniell, Michael, and I were in the second, facing the flags, and Sarah, Marc, Jo Ann, Shawna, and Christine were in the back facing forward. We worked the forms; Todd led his group, Aaron led ours, and idk who led the third. Mr. Perry and Sa Bom Nim came around to watch us. Yay we all know the whole thing!!! At the end, we did 50 crunches and 20 leg-raises. After class was dismissed, we hung out a bit, as dad wasn't there yet, and Aaron attempted another front-limber. He also tried a front-handspring when I wasn't looking... so I can't say how that went, except I turned around when I heard him land... er... anyway... The Black Belts sparred, rotating, then circle sparring, 2-on-1. The kids' class was huge so I can't say who was there, but I remember Paco, Matthew, Todd, Andy, Jordan, Jason, Gregory... I can't remember any more. The BBClass was Todd, Tommy, Michael, Matthew, Ian, Paco, and Doc. Sa Bom Nim taught. Tournament in New Jersey tomorrow, I don't know who's going. Class until Wednesday next week, then off for Thanksgiving. See yaz all next year, if I don't see you next week, or next month...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

ok this isn't all nice... but it is so funny found it a while back... so check it outtt!!! ENDANGERED MAN

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Kenny, Kelly, Bob, Oscar, Gary, Sherry, Angel, Lyndon, me, and Leonard. Ran 10 laps, and then went straight to forms. Sa Bom Nim had me work Sa Dan and Oh Dan. I saw the black belts working Ro Hai(sp?) and Chil Sung 3. Everyone else was working Bassai forms, except for Lyndon and Leonard; they were working Sa Dan, and I think Kelly may have been working Nai Han Chi Cho Dan(sp?). Worked one steps; John Mike and Kenny, Kristy and Kelly, Bob and Gary, Angel and Sherry, Leonard and Lyndon, me and Oscar. Oscar and I went through our 5 3 times each, and then worked seperately; I worked all of mine. 8:00 - I didn't take it but I memorized the lineup anyway; Sean, Shawna, Jo Ann, Scott, Rob, and T. J. and I saw they had to do 10 laps and Kelly warmed them up. She went home after warmup, and Sa Bom Nim worked them, getting them ready for testing. Sorry that it's 2 days late, but happy birthday! to Master Todd! C~yaz thursday... or tomorrow, idk...mab