Friday, July 22, 2005


6:15 - Kristy, Dave, Katie, Megan, Gary, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, Woody, Marc, Sarah, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, and Christine. Worked escrimas. Which was great. LOL I was so blind on Sunday, I looked right at someone, didn't see them, and then Tuesday I ask why they weren't at the park. I totally forgot to mention that on Tuesday Aaron was teasing me cuz I asked him where he had been Sunday, and it turns out that he had been there the whole time and that in the whole 6 hrs that we were at the park, I didn't see him!"I swear, you looked right at me and didn't see me!" Ridiculous. LOL I'm gonna have blisters. My hands are hurting from the wood. KK gonna go, talkin 2 steph.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Went to Tang Soo for pics. That was soooooooo much fun!!! LOL we had a family pic. Hung out, of course, which was fun...the usual, with a couple additions. Todd, Dana, John-Michael, Aaron, Gabi, Justin, Chris... 's all good lol. Looks like Yena made a new friend, too. LOL Justin and Chris' little sister, Carly. Cute kid. We had a lot of fun, lots of laughs, it was great...Aaron started dancing was great. Todd had to leave rather early because of something at his church... Dana and Kelly and Ian had a lot of really cute pics taken... I think John-Michael left right after the group pic, I don't remember seeing him after that... Aaron left early, too, a couple minutes after the group pic... Gabi and Justin and Chris and I were all standing together in line, so we had a very long, funny, pleasant conversation...(long, because of how long the line was. not that I minded at all, though. made more time for chatting. 's all good)

first day .................. in the juniors

had a great class yesterday (i think i did a good job for a first-timer) let me see,what did we do yesterday, hmmm, well we did laps, we did warmups, we did jump front-kicks, we did jump side-kicks, we did jump split-kicks & a jump side kick to one side & a reverse punch to the other & then we played dodge-ball we lost.


Monday, July 18, 2005

School Picnic @ Lackawanna State Park

The picnic was a blast!!! Dad and Paco and Migi and Yena and I got there, and we drove around, but we couldn't find them. Finally, dad and Paco decided that they might as well make the most of it, so they went boating, and left me with the kids. I wasn't satisfied with driving around, and I took the kids for a walk. LOL we found them. That felt good. We hung out while waiting for dad and Pacs. I got the cooler and the balls and the badminton set out from the car. Cristhian and I played badminton for a while, and then dad got back. We hung out, ate some, and then Cristhian, Nicki, Mackenzie, and I went out in a rowboat, which was fun. Got rather wet, I mean, more wet than usual, considering that it was a rowboat and not a kayak...LOL. When we got back, the Erbs were there. Ate some, then went swimming. Cristhian, Michael, Steph, Marc, and I had a handstand contest, and Marc won! Sooo much fun in the pool. Got dunked a couple times. Well, almost anyway. I think I got dunked by Steph, Dana, Sam, Michael, Mackie, and Todd. Splashing around in general of course, standing around and Marc just goes and splashes me. Funny, I wasn't even shivering when I got in the pool, it wasn't cold at all, but rather refreshing. Sa Bom Nim and the kids were playing football, and I think wrestling for the ball in the water took the place of tackling LOL. Even Kiana's mom joined in! LOL so much fun to watch! Getting chased around the pool is...difficult...LOL my favorite escape is diving and swimming very very close to the bottom, swimming towards the shallow end, and once I get to about 3' deep, go into a handstand and fall into the water with a huge splash, which gives me enough time to come up for air, take a breath, and swim for it again LOL. Right, c u guys Tuesday!