Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Tuesday, double classes(and Marc didn't stay for double...GRRRRRRR); Kwan Jang Nim taught the 7:00, Kelly taught the 8:00. Great night; small classes again, though. Got the usual beat-up from Kwan Jang Nim of course...and the usual hug lol he picked me up this time haha...and then had me partner up with someone in the Junior's for reverse punch, round kicks. 7 - just Bob, Paul, Me, Leonard, Lyndon, Jo Ann, and Jo Ann's niece who is a white belt in the Junior's class, but Kwan Jang Nim got her to stay for ours. So...2 red belts, 4 green, and 1 white. It was a great class. Stretched out only by doing the whole *partner takes your leg and pushes it up as high as you can go*...cept in Kwan Jang Nim's case, he put my foot on his shoulder...OW! And then I did Paul, and then we were warmed up...(supposedly...LOL nah it was cool) and so we began with our punches, Kwan Jang Nim doing it at an uneven pace to see how well we were listening and if he could catch us off guard. Then up and down the floor, first front kick round kick, then round round. Lined up and did some target practice; perfecting our round kicks. That was a lot of fun. 8 - even smaller class; just me and Christine and Scott(new, used to be in the military) and Kelly taught. WOW what a workout! First, went easy; stretched, punches, stretch kicks. Then up and down the floor; low block, high block, inside and outside block. Combinations next; sang dan magki tura choong dan kong kyuk. Then ARGH we set up cones; Christine and Kelly in one line, me and Scott in the other. Sprint up, sprint back, 10 pushups, 3 sets. Jump front kicks up and back, 20 crunches, 3 sets. Run backwards both ways, 10 leglifts, 3 sets. 10 LAPS ARGH! THAT KILLED!!! LOL but it was fun, great night. Not gonna see you ppl tomorrow, so I'll see yaz thursday(and Sean, YOU BETTER BE THERE; Lyndon, I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T COME FOR THE 7; and Marc, well, and Sean and Lyndon as well, I'M GONNA KILL ALL THREE OF YOU IF YOU DON'T STAY FOR DOUBLE ON THURSDAY. There, I don't think I was too evil. oh and Katie...where are you??????? hmmm...and Justin and Chris for that matter. And Todd. And....ok never mind, the list is too long. BUT YOU'RE ALL DEAD IF YOU DON'T SHOW UP SOON!!! I will make an exception for Kenny as long as vv wins on Friday.) and idk if I'll be there Friday...I'll try though...

Monday, October 17, 2005


Monday; Kristy taught the 5:30, dad taught the 6:15, and Kwan Jang Nim(!!!) taught the 7:00(yay!!!) which was, of course, great! Only five of us in the 7:00; John Mike, Mr. Reid, Paul, Angel, and me. Worked on details; retracted arm, when to use your hips and your knees for power in kicks, the direction your power should make the target go, and basically just being able to control yourself, making your arms and legs do what you want them to do in terms of where you want them to go and how much force you want to apply. It was a superb class, as always with Kwan Jang Nim. The usual hug before and after... he went over Pyung Ahn Oh Dan and Bassai So with me and Kristy, which was a lot of fun. He went through the whole samurai sword demo in Bassai. He pulled me up(argh, wasnt in uniform yet) during the 6:15 to show the green belts what the moves in Pyung Ahn Sam Dan were for, and ouch! From the top, with the blocks and punches to the groin...argh. I thought it wouldn't get any worse, but then, he wanted me for the double forearm block, spearthrust(ouchhhh!!!! that got me right in the stomach and I thought I was gonna have a bruise arghhh...LOL talking to J. M. and apparently he got the same thing once, yikes...), turn, hammerfist(right on my head!!!! not as bad as the spearthrust but still...), punch(punched me right over the line!!), and then a couple minutes later he went over the crescent kick, block, hammerfist, and so of course this time he was kicking me...I thought that would hurt even more but lol the spearthrust was still the worst. LOL and John Mike and I got hit here and there with the hand target several times during class. Lots of soft laughter during that class; it was great! I can't wait til tomorrow; Kwan Jang Nim told me he'd be there again. Marked cards as usual, put them away. Sparred with Des and Nicki in the lobby...Des said Justin was on crutches...Lyndon if you see this, tell him to hurry up and get better; I wanna see Paula beat him up before I move!!!