Sunday, March 19, 2006

Testing was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woohoo! Today I became a 2nd degree Black Belt we came early and started practicing everything and then we started testing and we did 100 jumping jacks 100 crunches and 50 v-ups and then Migi did his combinations and then Matthew did his combinations and then I did my combinations (phew!) and then we did our forms and then our weapons forms, then we did our sparring and then we did our breaks, I did a jump back-kick on two boards and then I broke two boards (one on each side ) with a split-kick and then we all got promoted i got promoted to 2nd degree Black Belt, migi got promoted to 1st degree Black Belt.yyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah baaaaby!

Testing!!!!!!!!! 3/18-19/06

Yesterday was the 18th. Testing.... we got there at about 1 and we watche the Junior's test. Well, we were there, and dad was judging, but I was hanging out with Sarah and Aaron and Marc and Woody and Michael and Cara and... ok well basically a lot of people. Judges were Dad, Kwan Jang Nim, Master Frank, Sa Bom Nim, Mr. Perry, Kristy, and Amy. Our test started at 2:30. The judges were the same, except Amy went home and Master Todd was there. Paula stretched us out, 100 jumpingjacks, I can't remember how many pushups, and 20 legraises. Sat down, came up in groups and worked combinations, foot techniques first. Scott and Aaron's little brother were together; otherwise we were grouped by belt. Next we came up group by group for forms and breaking. I broke mine on the 3rd try; spinning back hook kick. Then sparring; I sparred Sarah.

Today was the 19th, Black Belt Testing!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!! Test started at 2. Judges were Dad, (?guest), Kwan Jang Nim, Master Frank, Sa Bom Nim, and Kristy. They had the most insane warmup; 100 jumpingjacks and I forget how many crunches and pushups. Migi was the only one testing for black belt, so he went first with combinations, then evaluaters, then 2nd Dan testers. They did their forms, and weapons. They took a break, and then came... argh... sparring!!!!!!!! Insane! George and John Mike were sparring, and if anything they've gotten worse since they were red belts. And I don't mean technique-wise; they've improved I'm sure, what I mean is they still beat on each other like heck, and even harder now. Kenny and Michael almost look like they're street fighting... yikes... Sa Bom Nim sparred everyone that was testing. I'll upload the pics on to multiply next month. Breaking was last. 2nd Dan testers had the jump back kick, split kick. 2 boards on the jump back kick, and of course one board on each side for the split kick. Mr. Perry and Kenny both got theirs on the first try. Hung out a bit and it rockedd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was great seeing you all!!! Can't wait until June!!! Congrats to all!!!!!!!!!!!!