Friday, September 23, 2005

9/23/05 - Staffs!!!

Wow so much fun tonight! Worked staffs; 6:15 - Dave, dad, Katie, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Gary, Sherry, Angel, Paul, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, me, Sarah, Woody, Marc, Shawna, and Jo Ann. Split up and worked it, while Sa Bom Nim was teaching Bong Hyung Ee Bu to some of the higher students. But the best part of tonight was before and after class, when Megan and Aaron and I were flipping! And Dave did a one-handed cartwheel! Aaron did a one-handed cartwheel, too. Megan's a master at handstand-walks! We were teaching Aaron how to do a handstand; he did it for the first time tonight and he did great! It feels so good, I can still do a round-off handspring, a one-handed front walk-over, and a front handspring step-out. And I did a handstand triple pirouette for the very first time!!! lol sorry, I was going crazy. Megan and I had a handstand contest, and we were flipping up and down the floor, it was so much fun!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I'VE BEEN TAKING KARATE FOR A YEAR TODAY! ok lol just had to say that. 7:00 - Katie, Kristal, Gary, Sherry, and me. 12 laps. Then up and down the floor techniques, basic punches, mid-, high-, and low-section. Then mid-, low-, and high-section knife hands. Then sang soo ahneso pakero magki, tura kwan soo kong kyuk. Again, double forearm block, then spin around 360 degrees, backfist. Then front, round side, and jump front kicks up and down the floor, nonstop. Then we had a long break cuz Sa Bom Nim wasn't feeling too good. He told us to work forms, and that it didn't matter what form we worked on as long as we were working. Katie worked on Chil Sung 3 and that form from the seminar with Cynthia. It was cool watching her. Sa Bom Nim watched me do Oh Dan. I worked that, and Sa Dan, and Chil Sung Il and Ee Ro Hyung. Sa Bom Nim explained to me what the first 2 moves of Chil Sung 1 were supposed to be, in a self-defense sense. But the form itself is focusing on breathing when it is performed. He had us do 20 pushups at the end. We had to do 30 v-ups(ooooo I hate those!) at the start of class. Stayed for the 8:00, Kelly taught. Sa Bom Nim bowed us in and out, though. It was Sean, Leonard, Lyndon, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Dave and ?. I did 5 laps at the start of class. Pulled 3 bags, groups of 3, me and Sean and Lyndon on one bag. Kelly worked us out, alternating 30 punches in kee mah jah seh, and 15 reverse punches in fighting stance on each arm, 20 crunches on the floor, 20 tricep pushups, and mountain climbers. Alternated about 3 times. Then 15 kicks on each leg, went one at a time and counted for each other(man, Sean and Lyndon were hitting that bag so hard....)front, round, side, and back kicks, alternating with leg raises and crunches. 10 more laps at the end of class, then cooled down and stretched out a bit. Watched Kelly do her make up test, then Sean, Jo Ann, Shawna, and for a bit, Lyndon and Leonard, and I all hung out for a bit, first inside, then outside as I waited for dad. Had a really nice long conversation about testing and stuff. Sean said that he'd have to chain me to a wall again...and Lyndon was sparring with me in the lobby. Great night, I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow! And it's staffs at bbc!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


First of all...thanx Lyndon:-) I'll miss all of you guys, too. And will definitely keep in touch! Don't worry, ought to see each other every three months, won't give Sean any reason to chain me to a wall... LOL!

Last night 7:00 - Just Kristy, Paula, Sherry, Marc, and me. But AAARRGGHHH Sa Bom Nim gave us a beating! Warmup included 12 laps and 30 jumpingjacks. Then we each had one wavemaster to ourselves and we had to do (10 on each leg and 10 jumpingjacks inbetween each set of 10) front, round, side, spinning back, jump flying side, jump spinning back, spinning back hook, ax, step up double round, and step up side kicks. We also had to do front arm jab, reverse punch. 20 each side. Then cones, running back and forth between them. First running down, walking back. Then run down and run backwards back. Then sideways, stepping in front, then behind, and so alternating. Then 50 crunches, 30 leg raises, 30 left and right obliques, then 30 leg raises on each side. LOL I meant to stay for the next one, but I couldn't possibly after all that! and I'm glad I didn't because I saw Paula make them do 60 jumping jacks, and 15 laps! AAARRRGGHH! and I saw them dragging out the wavemasters as I left. Was sparring with Lyndon before his class and tried a jump spinning back kick for the first time. LOL he said I was in an agressive mood that night and asked what had put me in such a good mood. Cristhian saw it and said that he'd never seen me do that before and that I ought to do it when I spar. 8:00 was Cristhian, Angel, Lyndon, Leonard, Shawna, Jo Ann, Dave, and his buddy. Kelly was there, but she was talking to Sa Bom Nim, I guess about a make up test.