Tuesday, March 06, 2007

ackk I'm dead.

hee hee hee. Karate today. Did a total of 30 jumpingjacks, 60 pushups, 20 front kicks, 20 round kicks, 20 side kicks, 60 leg-raises, 120 punches (20 high, 20 low, 80 middle), 60 squat front kicks, 60 crunches, 20 front stretch kicks, 20 inside-outside kicks, and 20 outside-inside kicks. And then, after all that (it was circuit), we sparred. a-WOOT!!!! That’s the first time I have ever landed a backfist on Daddy. It was pretty awesome. And then I had to go spar Daddy and Paco, and considering that they were going easy on me just so I could get the concept, I did not do very well at all. I got dizzy running around. And there is not enough space in that basement. Ah well. Accckkk I’m gonna be feeling that in my thighs for a WHILE.