Saturday, September 10, 2005

9/10/05 Black Belt Run

Black Belt Run: got home at around 5, got there at 10 to 3. Just us, John Mike, and Kenny. Well, and the rest of John Mike's family, of course. I took care of Yena for a bit, cuz she wanted to run with me, so I let her. rotfl she was running so hard, and of course I didn't have any trouble keeping up, so I let her get ahead for a bit, and then when I caught up, she'd be so tired, it was funny. I don't think dad ran the whole thing. Well, no one did, 'cept John Mike of course.When she got restless, I took her to dad and the boys over at the playground(well, one of the many at Mellow Park lol) and I ran by myself a bit. Took a break when I got back to seat. When John Mike passed us, Kenny and I joined him for his last lap. Paco joined us near the end, and at the same time, Kenny left to say hi to someone he knew(there was a soccer game; vv vs ?) and so John Mike and Paco and I finished the lap. Oh, vv won the game last night:-) Congrats! Yeah so my afternoon was divided between babysitting, running, and jc. Kenny caught a crawfish(supposedly 4 me, or so he said...?), but I told him to go put it back lol.

the prophecy of testing

i can see your future (wind, rain and lots of cayote howls), i see that testing will be very very soon (lightning illuminates a scary figure), if you fail (thunder) you must try again. . .ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! for i can see your future.

oooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww! or black belt run

whoohoo what a run man! my legs are aching, i must have run about 7 miles (playground+running), i had such a good time


Friday, September 09, 2005


BBClub 6:15 - Costas, Dave, Katie, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Cara, Sherry, Danielle, Aaron, Marc, Woody, Christine, Jo Ann, Shawna, Sarah, and me. Worked staff forms. LOL I was standing over in the lobby, John Mike comes over and he's like, "Don't tell me I'm the only one running tomorrow!" and so I said I'd be there, and he was like, "You better be...!!!" So the rest of the night I was sorta askin around who was going to the run. Cristhian looks like he's going, Aaron is gonna try. Marc has work, Todd has a game, idk about Danielle. Lots of people got staffs, those black and red ones that screw together. I think Katie(red?), Cristhian(black), Sherry, Danielle(wood), Aaron, Marc(black), Christine(red?), Jo Ann(red), Shawna, Sarah(black?, and Todd(red) all got staffs(whoa...), and as you can see, I tried to put the colors where I remembered them LOL...C u guys @ the run!!! G2g ttyl ppl...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Angel, Sherry, Marc, and me. Got our white and blue stripes. My break totally sucked though, it took my at least 15 tries. Ridiculous. It wasn't until Sean came in that I did it. THANK YOU SEAN!!!!! lol.