Tuesday, March 06, 2007

ackk I'm dead.

hee hee hee. Karate today. Did a total of 30 jumpingjacks, 60 pushups, 20 front kicks, 20 round kicks, 20 side kicks, 60 leg-raises, 120 punches (20 high, 20 low, 80 middle), 60 squat front kicks, 60 crunches, 20 front stretch kicks, 20 inside-outside kicks, and 20 outside-inside kicks. And then, after all that (it was circuit), we sparred. a-WOOT!!!! That’s the first time I have ever landed a backfist on Daddy. It was pretty awesome. And then I had to go spar Daddy and Paco, and considering that they were going easy on me just so I could get the concept, I did not do very well at all. I got dizzy running around. And there is not enough space in that basement. Ah well. Accckkk I’m gonna be feeling that in my thighs for a WHILE.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Daddy went to pick up Ninong, so Migs stretched us out. The usual. URRghhh it felt good to do frog splits again. Then I took over, just for punches and stretch kicks. Daddy was home by the time we were done, and he took Migs and worked forms with him. Paco and I practiced one-steps; I went through all 40 and he went through his 10. It was kind of hard, because I'm obviously used to aiming high with my blocks and kicks, so now I had to watch him carefully... I definitely needed that.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


well, we did karate last night... nice long warmup, stretching, and then basic punches, combinations (whoa paco tried to confuse us with high, low, middle/low, high, middle, and then back to the usual high, middle, low/low, middle, high... GRRRRRRR insane) and then stretch kicks and inside-outside/outside-inside kicks and paco made us jump stance a million times between each one... and then paco and migi worked off to the side on self-defense, and daddy worked me from kee cho hyung il bu up to pyung ahn sam dan, each form twice through. focused on keeping it level and using the hips, so on, so forth, techniques and everything... 'cept i didn't get around to focusing on keeping my toes in the right direction. ah, we have a new system: daddy focuses on me and yenyenners on mondays, migi on wednesdays, and paco on fridays. grrrrr i am losing my splits. not good.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

THROWING STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

yesterday we did THROWING STARS!!!!!!
we started out class with the usual warm-ups (splits, butterfly stretches, etc.) and then we started with the stars, Ats and I got Jake (his nickname) in the heart and the brain, Dad got him between the eyes, and Migi and I got him in the zipper a.k.a. the BAD place a few times, it was great!!!

don't forget me guys!!!!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Testing was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woohoo! Today I became a 2nd degree Black Belt we came early and started practicing everything and then we started testing and we did 100 jumping jacks 100 crunches and 50 v-ups and then Migi did his combinations and then Matthew did his combinations and then I did my combinations (phew!) and then we did our forms and then our weapons forms, then we did our sparring and then we did our breaks, I did a jump back-kick on two boards and then I broke two boards (one on each side ) with a split-kick and then we all got promoted i got promoted to 2nd degree Black Belt, migi got promoted to 1st degree Black Belt.yyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah baaaaby!

Testing!!!!!!!!! 3/18-19/06

Yesterday was the 18th. Testing.... we got there at about 1 and we watche the Junior's test. Well, we were there, and dad was judging, but I was hanging out with Sarah and Aaron and Marc and Woody and Michael and Cara and... ok well basically a lot of people. Judges were Dad, Kwan Jang Nim, Master Frank, Sa Bom Nim, Mr. Perry, Kristy, and Amy. Our test started at 2:30. The judges were the same, except Amy went home and Master Todd was there. Paula stretched us out, 100 jumpingjacks, I can't remember how many pushups, and 20 legraises. Sat down, came up in groups and worked combinations, foot techniques first. Scott and Aaron's little brother were together; otherwise we were grouped by belt. Next we came up group by group for forms and breaking. I broke mine on the 3rd try; spinning back hook kick. Then sparring; I sparred Sarah.

Today was the 19th, Black Belt Testing!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!! Test started at 2. Judges were Dad, (?guest), Kwan Jang Nim, Master Frank, Sa Bom Nim, and Kristy. They had the most insane warmup; 100 jumpingjacks and I forget how many crunches and pushups. Migi was the only one testing for black belt, so he went first with combinations, then evaluaters, then 2nd Dan testers. They did their forms, and weapons. They took a break, and then came... argh... sparring!!!!!!!! Insane! George and John Mike were sparring, and if anything they've gotten worse since they were red belts. And I don't mean technique-wise; they've improved I'm sure, what I mean is they still beat on each other like heck, and even harder now. Kenny and Michael almost look like they're street fighting... yikes... Sa Bom Nim sparred everyone that was testing. I'll upload the pics on to multiply next month. Breaking was last. 2nd Dan testers had the jump back kick, split kick. 2 boards on the jump back kick, and of course one board on each side for the split kick. Mr. Perry and Kenny both got theirs on the first try. Hung out a bit and it rockedd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was great seeing you all!!! Can't wait until June!!! Congrats to all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

testing hahahahahahahehehehehehehehahaha

be careful at testing hahahaha testing is coming you had better please the judges or else you might not pass (scary & low pitched voice) the test hahahahaha so ...... be ........ careful..... hahahahahahaha

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Who's ready for testing?!?! Can't wait! Who's gonna be there when? Saturday, Sunday, what? LOL sorry I'm hyper I can't wait! See you guys this weekend!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

1/19/05 goodbye....

The most wonderful night. A satisfying goodbye night. Was there from 4:45 to 9:30. I think there were 8 kids in the 4:45. Around the same number in the 5:30. At least 18 kids in the 6:15. 7:00 - Dave, Paula, Katie, Justin Y., Justin S., Chris, Kelly, Andy, Bob, Oscar, Cristhian, Doc, Sherry, Lyndon, me, Marc, and Jo Ann. Dave warmed us up, and Sa Bom Nim worked us on combinations. We partnered up and worked self-defense. I can't remember everyone, but I know that Kelly was with Justin, and Andy was with Chris, and Jo Ann and Sherry and Marc were together, and I was with Lyndon, and I think Katie was with Paula... I can't remember any more. A very satisfying night. I stayed for the 8:00 - Cristhian, Sean, Marc, me, Shawna, and Scott. We worked the bags and sparred. Scott is very good for a yellow belt! I'm so glad I got to see everyone. We were all so surprised when Cristhian came. Marc was saying how it was like his first night, with Cristhian and Katie and Bob there. What can I say; I couldn't think of a single class that was as big as that. Especially now that Justin and Chris and Andy are in the adult class. I cannot wait to see you all in March! You have become the dearest of friends and the bonds I have formed with all of you are unlike any other that I have ever made in public school and choir and gymnastics. I only regret that I couldn't see Meg(get better!!!) and Todd(what can I say?) and Kwan Jang Nim( a BIG hug to you, sir!) and Sarah(keep blogging!!!) and Christine(thanks for keeping me up to date these past two weeks!) and Michael(star wars...) and Danielle(added any weapons to that collection since I last talked to you?) and so many more.... BUT I thank all of you that I DID see for making it such a pleasant, uplifting, assuring, heart-warming goodbye. You will all be in my thoughts very often. Always, Ais:P

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


SPARRING!!! and now I so regret not taking these classes before... too late for regrets, though...
5:30 - Amy, John Mike, Michael, and Paco. They worked forms and staffs. 6:15 - Paco, Michael, Nicki, Jason, Sam, Ian, Jennifer, Jennifer's brother..., umm and i think 2 yellow belts. Might be missing a couple people... anyway, 7:00 - Master Todd, Kenny, Justin, Andy, Bob, Max, Mike, Angel, Aaron, me, and Marc. Paula taught. 6:15 and 7 worked the bags, combinations and such. Then partnered up, I think it was: Master Todd and Justin, Bob and Aaron and Mike, Max and Andy, me and Angel, Marc and Kenny. I think; I'm not totally sure about Todd and Justin and Marc and Kenny... well, it was something like that, anyway. Then, we circled up... WHOA... I sparred Angel and Andy. The most...how shall we put it... INSANE sparring match was Mike vs. Justin. That was SCARY!
Todd vs. Marc
Kenny vs. Marc
Justin vs. Mike
Justin vs. Bob
Andy vs. Max
Andy vs. me
Angel vs. me

umm there was definitely more that that, as each person went twice, but I can't remember any more... I suppose I was busy talking to Andy after our match... rotfl remarked that it was sad that now that I was leaving we were just starting to find out how much we had in common in terms of music and bedtimes and redwall and such... haha. And he wasn't sarcastic for once lol since he found out we were leaving Friday. Aaron gave me a hug goodbye. Testing is March 18 and 19; color belts on Saturday and BB Testing on Sunday. OHHH YEAHHHHHH!!!! I can't wait! Paco got 3 group pics for me. See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Well, I'm back, and I will see you guys this week...meanwhile... happy birthday!!!!! to Krystal and Sherry! and I think Chris D. as well... in a couple days...

Monday, January 02, 2006

happy birthday to erica who had her birthday yesterday!!! i need to keep up with you guys..blog!

Monday, December 26, 2005


Migi and I tested. Quick stretch. 10 laps... and it is insane trying to keep up with Paco so don't ask how I managed to keep up with Migi; all I know is I don't want to do that again for a while. That's almost like keeping up with Master Todd.... ARGHHH anyway... punches. Middle, then 2 middle and one each of high and low, then 2 of middle, high, and low. Then up and down the floor; low block reverse punch; high block reverse punch; mid-section knife hand reverse punch; double forearm block reverse spear-thrust. Then kicks, adding a front-arm jab and reverse punch to each. Front, round, side. Then forms; Kee Cho Hyung Il Bu, Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bu, Pyung Ahn Ee Dan, then Pyung Ahn Sa Dan and I sat down. Paco and Migi continued with the Bassai forms. Paco and I did our one-steps. Then sparring; Migi vs. Paco, then Paco vs. me, then dad fought me(ahhh I'm going to be feeling that tomorrow) and finally breaking. I broke the board into 3 parts! Well... I have to get some sleep. So Migi is a Cho Dan Bo......... yikes. See you ppl in a couple weeks.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Yuletide 2005

Dear Loved Ones,
Merry Christmas to all of you! As we come to the end of another blessed year, we give thanks for God's gifts of friendship and family. We hope that your celebrations are filled with joy.
Lots of things have happened this year, but it's the 22nd tomorrow so we'll keep it short (you'll find the long version on our family blog at http://byspam.stefoodie.net).
One big news is that we're moving again -- back to Ohio, early February 2006. This comes after a hectic year of travel and long hours of work for Bong.
The whole family continues to enjoy Tang Soo (except for Stef who quit when the traveling sched got too heavy). Migi is now a red belt and Aisa is a green belt. We are still homeschooling and plan to keep on doing so. The kids are, as always, voracious readers; you can imagine just how thrilled we all were when one of our all-time favorites made it to the big screen this year (C.S. Lewis' Narnia). We watched it in St. Louis with Papa and Mama and Tito Alvin the day after it came out (a rarity since we hardly ever watch movies on the big screen anymore).
Aisa still cantors for and sings in the choir, among other things. She also made great progress in violin this year, but is switching to voice lessons when we move back to Cincinnati. Paco also made great strides in violin, though late this year he chose to go back to piano, with the occasional lesson from Mom. We recently purchased recorders for the whole family, so some nights Aisa takes us under her wing for some recorder lessons. Migi still loves to draw and write and make up stories. Because of the proximity in age, the two boys along with Yena frequently stay in each other's company, though as one may expect they also get tired of each other every now and then. Yena, as girly as a girl could possibly be (she's into dolls, clothes, etc.) is also every bit a whatever-Kuya (big brother)-is-into fan. Even her food decisions are usually based on what the boys are having. Stef's Papa calls this stage the "great imitator", which she certainly is.
The other big news is that Stef's youngest brother Chris got married this year. Chris and Mina are joining us this Christmas as we have our first, and last, holiday festivities in this house (we were in St. Louis last year). The whole family was active participants at the wedding; quite an experience for the kids, especially for Yena who was flowergirl, and the boys who got to wear barongs, and dance at the reception.
We celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary last week, and spent the day driving, after 3 weeks of non-stop househunting. These 2 weeks are being spent preparing for the Lord's coming as well as preparing our house for sale in January. As 2006 draws near, Bong looks forward to working with former colleagues now that he's back in Cincinnati. Stef continues to blog, about food at stefoodie.net and as a network blogger on Asian food for b5media.com. The kids keep their own blogs (you can see them linked at eclectichomeschooler.stefoodie.net). Come visit them sometime!
Much love and wishes for an awesome New Year,
Bong and Stef (16+ and counting!), Aisa (14), Paco (9), Migi (7), Yena

Friday, December 23, 2005

Throwing Stars

we had so much fun tonight, Jason & Ats got the target in the BAD place and Ate got it through it's head and me & Migi got a few to stick, Jason got it between the eyes, Aaron (sorry if i'm wrong) got it in the heart.



12/23/05 THROWING STARS!!!!!

HOORAYYYY!!!!!! Throwing stars!!! 4:45 - John Mike, Katie, Doc, Paco, Ian, Bruce, and Todd. They worked Bong Hyung Il, Ee, and Sam Bu, and also Nunchaku Hyung Il Bu. 5:30 was a lot bigger, and I can't remember everybody, but there was the usual; Todd, Andy, Max, Jordan, Paco, Migi..... aaahhh I can't remember anymore...sorry. There were at least 15 kids. Dave asked me to turn on the music for them. Anyway, while that class was throwing, Aaron, Michael, Paul, Danielle, Megan, Sarah, and I were dancing and flipping. 6:15 - Katie, Todd, Megan, Paul, Michael, Aaron, Danielle, Sarah, and me. Stretched out really quickly(with plenty of laughs), then went straight to throwing stars. As Paul and I were the only ones who hadn't thrown before, we went first. That was the sweetest class everrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha lots of groaning as we each managed to hit the dude where the sun don't shine... ouuuchhhhhh.... anyway, I made it go right through the dry-wall! Sweettt!!! Laughing and playing around, had plenty of time before class to chat while Dave was taking care of something with the kids. So we were hanging out; I saw Aaron sparring someone, I think it was Paul. During class, Katie asked me to put on Mortal Kombat... We had a group pic after the class, and I made sure that everyone had signed my autograph book. Merry Christmas everyone! I can't wait to work with stars again! I will see you all in about 3 weeks. Meanwhile, keep blogging so that I can keep up! All my love, Ais:P

Thursday, December 22, 2005


7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Katie, Paula, Justin, Megan, Oscar, Doc, Leonard, Lyndon, me, and Jo Ann. Kristy warmed us up, quick stretch, then Sa Bom Nim had us do our stretch kicks. Then jab, reverse-punch, hook, 10 with our left foot forward, 20 with the right. Partnered up; Paula and Katie, Kristy and Jo Ann, John Mike and Justin, Doc and Oscar, Leonard and Lyndon, and me and Meg. Worked spinning back hook kicks, 10 each leg. Then jump front kicks and flying jump side kicks. Then self-defense for a bit; Mu Rup Chagi(sp???), then added an elbow, and then we worked take-downs.... and then Sa Bom killed us with leg lifts and then separating and then switching.... ARGH I'm gonna feel that tomorrow... See yaz for throwing stars!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Great Night!!! Soooo good to be back...got there at around 4:30. Migi took class first, there were around 10 of them there, including one buddy that the Lynns had brought. I tipped them after class(blue). There were 8 in the 5:30, and they did some girls vs. boys games... helped out with that a bit, just making sure that the kids punched with the correct hand(they were alternating front-hand punch and reverse punch). Paula taught the 6:15. That was a really big class; at least 15 kids. The adult class was really small compared to yesterday's 7:00; Paula, Justin(black belt, from about 6 years back. Or so I heard.), Sherry, Leonard, Marc, Lyndon, me, and Jo Ann. Whew, Paula gave us a good stretch; included the usual 50 jumpingjacks and 10 laps lol... We worked kicks the rest of the night; partnered up; Paula and Sherry, Justin and Marc, Leonard and Lyndon, me and Jo Ann. Front, round, side, and back kicks. Worked on sticking it. Then pulled out the bags and used them for support, while perfecting our round and side kicks... argh, gonna be feeling that tomorrow for sure... but, man! it felt so good to be back! Sorry I didn't stay for the 8:00, guys. But I'll see you all on Thursday... and if you're not there, then I'll see you Friday(and don't say you're going to miss throwing stars!!!) If I don't see you this week, then I won't see you again until week of January 18, and if I don't see you that week, then I won't see you till March testing, and if I don't see you at March testing... then God knows when I'll see you again, I'm afraid. Reason being, we leave January 2nd, and we'll be gone for two weeks. We get back the 17th, but I'll only be around for a week, because mom and dad have to drop me off in St. Louis, because I'm going on a trip with my grandparents. I expect you'll all be seeing my brothers and dad for a couple weeks yet after I'm gone, but after January 23rd, I won't be back here in PA until March. I'm really going to miss all of you, and I hope I get a chance to say goodbye personally to each and every one of you. If not... well, I don't like to think of what will happen if I don't get to. So... make sure you guys get to at least one class this week or the week of the 18th... or I'm gonna die. LOL... Happy Holidays to all of you... and I do promise to take the sparring class on Jan. 21st. HOLD ME TO THAT PROMISE lol...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

to all at tang soo... i need someone to take over this blog for me... i know there are those of you that read it... could you guys please tell me if any of you are willing to make the commitment of taking over this blog? i desperately need it, as it seems that we may be moving a lot sooner than we thought... thanx-ais:P
p.s. good luck at testing!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well... BBClass... 5:30... wow days are getting so dark now... anyway... Amy, Paco, Matthew, and Todd E. Paula was teaching. They worked forms... gotta work 'em guys, especially you, Todd, you need them for your evaluation! Kids sparring, they did a lot of 2-on-1 3-on-1 type thing... LOL Sam was one of the three against her brother, and Paula told her to, "Get in there, Sam! I'm giving you the opportunity of a lifetime!" hahahahahahahahaha... During BBC, I wasn't lonely; Aaron came up for the 7:00, but he came early, and we hung out until the kids' sparring class, which Paula asked him if he'd like to help out with. We sparred a bit, and haha he got me twice, front kick to the stomach, and punch to the head... hahahahaha that was good. He got me good. LOL. In the kids class... umm... Paco, Matthew, Charley(?), Nicki, Sam, Michael, Timothy, Jennifer, Migi... I can't remember if anyone else was there. Adults' class... Aaron, Todd L., Katie, Megan, Shawna, Justin, Chris... I know there were more, but I totally forget. Paula taught all the classes tonight, and I think there was kickboxing, and Aaron might have stayed for it I think... I haven't seen Master Frank in a while, but I think he's been down in Avoca... I haven't seen Cristhian either... and do you ppl know that Mackenzie quit? Dunno why... Anyway, no class tomorrow through Sunday, so I will see you all next month, or more likely, next year. Good luck at testing! I suppose I'll be taking a break from this blog... so I hope you guys blog for me so that I know what's going on over there... Heyy we need more ppl in this blog!!! More more more!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Sa Bom Nim taught. I only did the first class; 7 - John Mike, Kenny, Katie, Megan, Mike, Bob, Oscar, Sherry, Leonard, Lyndon, and me; 8 - Kelly, Sean, Shawna, Christine, Scott, and Rob; I don't know if anyone from the 7:00 stayed for the next one.. Bob warmed us up, then we did circuit twice through. The first time, the holders were Bob, Oscar, Sherry, Leonard, Lydon, and me. 5 of each; right front kicks, left front kicks, right round kicks, left round kicks, right jump front kicks, and left jump front kicks; 5 times around. We switched holders, and the second row went. The second round, same holders together, split up into first and second row; 10 pushups, then the one where one person is lying on the ground and they're holding on to the ankles of someone else, and the person who is standing up pushes their feet back down every the they come up, but their feet cannot touch the ground. So if the person pushing pushes hard, then of course we have to be able to control it. Anyway, after the pushups, 10 pushing straight down, 10 pushing to the right, 10 pushing to the left, then 10 jumpingjacks, and 10 mountain climbers; back and forth counting as one. Again, we switched. The front row had to do it 5 times around, but, I don't know why, but the second group only had to do it 3 times around. And I remember doing it twice, but for some reason I don't remember doing it a third time... when I started doing my pushups, John Mike said, "No, stop... you're done." and I was like, "Wha..?" and Katie said, "Yeah, I saw him three times, adn him three times, and I'm pretty sure I saw you three times..." And Kenny said, "Yeah, Aisa, don't you remember? You came twice, and then the third time, you kicked me?" LOL Sherry said, "Aisa. Are You Insane?!?! We did it three times!" and I suppose she said that partly because if I did it again, the whole group would have to... LOL... but yeah, see, it happened like this. John Mike was counting pushups, Kenny was doing the straight up and down, Katie to the right, Meg to the left, Sa Bom Nim was counting our jumpingjacks, and Mike was counting mountain climbers. Anyway, Kenny wanted me to go faster, because he was counting, and I wasn't keeping up with his counting. So the third time through(I'm still not convinced that I did it three times through) I came up really fast on the third one, and he wasn't expecting it, so it went past his hands and I kicked him in the chest. Not hard at all, mind you... Anyway, so he got back at me, by grabbing my feet on the third to last time, and holding on for a bit, before suddenly pushing them down hard. HAH! It didn't work... so HAH HAH. Anyway... I desperately need to find someone to take over this blog, so if any of you would like to, please contact me....

Monday, November 21, 2005


KILLER!!! LOL Master Todd taught of course... so what can I say? Kenny and Justin and Chris and I were hanging out before class... just talking about school and looking at the old pics in the office window... Kenny said that when I test for my black belt, he and Master Todd and Master Romel will be sparring me... haha... I'm... sorta... looking forward to that. Anyway, there were 10 of us; Amy, Kenny, Doc, Tommy, Katie, dad, Justin, Chris, Paul, and me. Kenny collected the cards, and he went right past me without looking at me, then he came back when he'd gotten Chris' card and said, "Hey! Stop fooling around!" just teasing of course. Todd gave us a quick stretch, and told us that since we were doing forms, he was gonna make us sweat first. So he made us do 125 jumpingjacks, 12 laps, 30 pushups, and 50 crunches!!!! ARGH! DEAD! Anywayyy.... he sent us back to work on our forms, and I worked Sa Dan and Oh Dan. Dad came around to help us color belts; the black belts worked Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung. Justin was working on Nai Han Chi Cho Dan, and he was right next to me, pretending that he ws going ot hit me... After that, Todd told us we could work weapons. The black belts(save Kenny) worked Do Sa; Kenny worked the third staff form. Paul and I worked our kama forms. Since Justin and Chris were never in BBC, they continued their forms. Todd was testing Chris on his Bassai forms... You gotta know them for black belt test, Chris! Kenny helped me with my staff form, and he asked me to help him with the kama form; he'd forgotten it. That was fun; he used escrimas, and made all these sound effects during it... Todd was watching Justin's form and said that, "You don't need to do it like you're trying to kill someone!" and so I mentioned that Justin had been trying to kill me... Kenny was being my "opponent" while I worked Oh Dan. (I dunno why, but Chris and Justin ended up watching us) We got up to the eye strike, where he said, "Ok, don't really hit me!" Then he had me do Sa Dan. He asked what else I needed help with, so I said my one-steps, but he didn't know the red belt, and so he asked Justin if he knew them, but of course he didn't, as he'd never been taught them in the Junior's class. Same story with Paul of course, so then we got into a discussion about how they shouldn't have stopped teaching the Juniors their one-steps and expect them to do them at testing. Course, they were still teaching them when Kenny was in the Junior class, but they stopped a while back... So we were talking and Todd reminded us to practice. Later, while the black belts were working the dagger form, Todd was showing Kenny, Justin, Chris, and Paul gun defenses.. I watched for a bit before going back to my form. Anyway, I'll see you all tomorrow...

Friday, November 18, 2005


6:15 - Todd, Bob, Paul, Cara, Sherry, Woody, Aaron, Danielle, Michael, me, Sarah, Marc, Jo Ann, Shawna, and Christine. Dave taught, and Sa Bom Nim came around when we were separated into groups. We warmed up, 10 laps. Then we went straight into the Kama Hyung Il Bu. We worked the whole thing, a bit at a time, gradually adding on, until we had it. Then we separated into three groups; Todd, Bob, Paul, Cara, and Sherry in one, facing the office; Woody, Aaron, Daniell, Michael, and I were in the second, facing the flags, and Sarah, Marc, Jo Ann, Shawna, and Christine were in the back facing forward. We worked the forms; Todd led his group, Aaron led ours, and idk who led the third. Mr. Perry and Sa Bom Nim came around to watch us. Yay we all know the whole thing!!! At the end, we did 50 crunches and 20 leg-raises. After class was dismissed, we hung out a bit, as dad wasn't there yet, and Aaron attempted another front-limber. He also tried a front-handspring when I wasn't looking... so I can't say how that went, except I turned around when I heard him land... er... anyway... The Black Belts sparred, rotating, then circle sparring, 2-on-1. The kids' class was huge so I can't say who was there, but I remember Paco, Matthew, Todd, Andy, Jordan, Jason, Gregory... I can't remember any more. The BBClass was Todd, Tommy, Michael, Matthew, Ian, Paco, and Doc. Sa Bom Nim taught. Tournament in New Jersey tomorrow, I don't know who's going. Class until Wednesday next week, then off for Thanksgiving. See yaz all next year, if I don't see you next week, or next month...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

ok this isn't all nice... but it is so funny haha...mom found it a while back... so check it outtt!!! ENDANGERED MAN

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Kenny, Kelly, Bob, Oscar, Gary, Sherry, Angel, Lyndon, me, and Leonard. Ran 10 laps, and then went straight to forms. Sa Bom Nim had me work Sa Dan and Oh Dan. I saw the black belts working Ro Hai(sp?) and Chil Sung 3. Everyone else was working Bassai forms, except for Lyndon and Leonard; they were working Sa Dan, and I think Kelly may have been working Nai Han Chi Cho Dan(sp?). Worked one steps; John Mike and Kenny, Kristy and Kelly, Bob and Gary, Angel and Sherry, Leonard and Lyndon, me and Oscar. Oscar and I went through our 5 3 times each, and then worked seperately; I worked all of mine. 8:00 - I didn't take it but I memorized the lineup anyway; Sean, Shawna, Jo Ann, Scott, Rob, and T. J. and I saw they had to do 10 laps and Kelly warmed them up. She went home after warmup, and Sa Bom Nim worked them, getting them ready for testing. Sorry that it's 2 days late, but happy birthday! to Master Todd! C~yaz thursday... or tomorrow, idk...mab

Friday, November 11, 2005


KAMAS!!! OH YEAH! 6:15 - Dave, Katie, Megan, Mike, Bob, Gary, Paul, Sherry, Cara, Woody, Danielle, Aaron, Michael, me, Marc, Shawna, Jo Ann, Sarah, and Christine. Worked up and down the floor techniques, just getting the hang of our kamas. Separated into two groups, worked the kama form a bit at a time. Got up to the strike across the neck I think... was laughing with Aaron... we were dancing lol... and then after class he showed me his handstand and I started him on front-limbers... See yaz all next week!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Big class tonight! I only did one, I'm sorry... but I will definitely be there tomorrow! Paco is still too sick, but I'll be there from 5:30 to 7, promise... Anyway, Sa Bom Nim taught tonight. We worked up and down the floor. Low block, reverse punch; high block, reverse punch; and so on with inside block and knife hand... then front, round, and side kicks... then we worked forms. I worked Pyung Ahn Sa Dan until Sa Bom Nim came round to me and asked to see Oh Dan instead, then he sent me back to work Sa Dan with the others. We partnered up afterwards and worked knife defenses. Katie was my partner. So yeah, didn't stay for the next class, but I will be there for kamas tomorrow... see yaz. -ais:P

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So yeah Kenny came back yesterday... anyway... forgot to mention that. And Todd taught the 7:00 yesterday as usual... and so I was just standing there talkint to Katie and he comes up to me and asks if I'm staying for class and so I say no sir and he's just like pfft. Oh well thanks... and so I begin to explain and he's just like pfft and waves me off... all in good fun of course LOL So. Today, double classes as usual...7:00 - Kristy taught; Kenny, Kelly, Gary, Sherry, and me. 8:00 - Kelly taught; Sherry, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Rob, and T. J. Worked forms in both classes. Sent back to work on 15 count with Rob and T. J. I worked especially on Ee Dan and Sa Dan. Kristy made us do 15 laps; Kelly had us do 5. Kenny's cool with the little kids LOL he was helping out with the Juniors' class... can't decide who's better with them; Kenny or Master Todd? LOL so anyway... were running the 15 laps, right... and Kenny was leading us of course(oh and btw, thanx for going at a nice slow pace..) and he was trying to throw us off by counting over... so he'd say hanna and then say hanna again... none of us were fooled however so... it made it fun and easy though... talking and laughing makes it so much easier... so yeah he didn't fool us, but he madeit a lot easier for us all... of for me at least LOL... so yeah class was great tonight... see yaz Thursday... or Friday... or tomorrow LOL w/e...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

11/01/05 and 11/03/05

Double classes both nights and oh boy I am so dead LOL...

11/01 7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Gary, Bob, Oscar, Paul, Sherry, Sean, Leonard, Lyndon, Marc, me, and Jo Ann. 8:00 - Kelly, Sean, me, Christine, Scott, and Rob. Worked forms all night, Sa Bom Nim taught both. He had me work Sa Dan and Oh Dan. Worked out just a bit. Thanx to Sean for staying!!! It meant a lot

11/03 7:00 - John Mike, Paula, Katie, Bob, Gary, Sherry, Marc, and me. Worked up and down the floor kicking techniques and combinations. Partnered up and worked combinations; I was with Sherry. We separated for the last 8 minutes to work forms. 8:00 - Kelly, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Christine, Rob, and T. J.(Jo Ann's nephew, here for 6 weeks, 15 yrs old). ARGH Paula gave us the usual workout lol...18 LAPS AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH... and then kicks again after warmup... need to work on my balance; she had me try a spinning hook kick, round kick, without setting my foot down, and I cannot seem to balance properly...

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to be there tomorrow... I'm too tired and I've got a lot to do... so see you ppl next week... and you, too, Kenny.... it will be good seeing you in uniform again... night ppl

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Party 10/29/05

GREAT Halloween Party! Well, not as great as last year's party...but it was ok anyway. Sean and Lyndon didn't come... neither did Katie, Megan, Todd, Todd... Wonder where they were... But there were ppl from Avoca this year! Aaron and Danielle of course, and most of the younger kids. George wore the same thing he did last year... which was nothing and a demon mask... so last year he was a demon construction worker, and this year he was a demon... uhh... nothing. W/e. Chris wore the same costume he wore last year; he was a Ringwraith. Andy really did dress up as a princess, which was plain freaky!!! Max was Edward Scissorhands which was freaky also... Danielle was a pirate and Aaron was... nothing. LOL that's ok. When we all got changed later into regular clothes, we had a bit of sparring, which was a lot of fun!!! 3-on-1... me and Chris and Michael against Aaron... and then a couple 1-on-1 matches here and there... me and Chris of course. And I would've liked to spar Andy properly... LOL it's ok, it was a lot of fun. Left my coat there, argh, but that's ok, I'll get it on Tuesday. Miss Barb saved the list for me; I've got all those lists to scan, I know. And I will, today, if I have time.

Friday, October 28, 2005


BBClass - Paula, Ian, Paco, Michael, Matthew, and Todd. Sparred, endurance sparring, 2 minutes, 3-on-1. LOL I think best match was Todd vs Paco & Michael & Ian. That was really good. LOL one big kid against 3 ppl half his height haha that was really funny. BBClub 5:30, there were 11 kids and Todd helped out so... I can remember Andy, Chris, Jordan, Jason, Migi and Paco of course, I can't remember anyone else though; the rest were from Avoca so lol I don't know their names, sorry... Anyway, 6:15 - Dave, Paula, Katie, Todd, Megan, Gary, Bob, Shawna, Christine, Aaron, Danielle, Jo Ann, Sarah, me, Marc, Mike, Woody, and Michael... I think. LOL I know there were 18 of us so... I'm not sure about Michael... I think it was him... anyway, self-defense, pressure points... ARGH that hurt!!! Sa Bom Nim beat up poor Bob as usual... we owe him so much... plenty of laughter and shouts of "Thanks Bob!!!" and such... so funny... but, man! I could see it in his face how much it hurt... IT HURTS WHEN SA BOM NIM DECIDES THAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO FEEL IT... that one on the neck really hurt... OW! Anyway, Halloween Party tomorrow...see you ppl there!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Went to Tang Soo yesterday. Classes were small as usual...hangin out with the usual... Andy, Max, Chris... Sa Bom Nim showed us pics from China which was really cool!!! One of him doing a split on the Great Wall! and a bunch here and there of karate moves... couple at the Temple... So cool! Beautiful picture of a sunset... anyway, Justin finally moved up!!! to the adult class, which is good!! Can't wait for the Halloween Party!!!

Monday, October 24, 2005


AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH I am so dead. 30 pushups, 60 crunches, 25 leg-raises, 100 jumping jacks(!!!), and 10 laps(right after the jumping jacks aaaaaaaaaaaaah) KILLS. LOL. 7:00 - Amy, John Mike, Tommy, Katie, dad, Doc, Mike, and me. And Master Todd taught. AND MASTER TODD KILLS. So I already filled you ppl in on the stretch, cept I forgot to mention splits in all 3 directions... and besides that the usual other stuff... but haha Todd was nice enough to offer us a break after the 10 laps so... I'll forgive him for that. But they say he's always like that, so I guess that's what I get for never taking his class before. Worked forms; I worked 15 count up to Bassai So and I also went through Chil Sung 1 and 2. Kwan Jang Nim filled us in on Sa Bom Nim's trip... he's in a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with Cynthia Rothrock!!!!!!!!!! He's supposed to be the bad guy, and he's supposed to kidnap Cynthia's daughter. We're quite excited about the whole thing, and Sa Bom Nim will be there tomorrow. But I won't be there, I mean to go on Wednesday and Friday, and if Todd E. doesn't stay for the 6:15 HE'S DEAD. Had to get that outta my system, sorry. Anyway, Katie said that Brad is backkk!!!!!! so I'll be going to the gym sometime soon to say hi... Meg wasn't at class tonight; she was at the gym. Todd, Andy, Max, Nicki, William, and I were talking during the 5:30 about the Halloween party. Nicki has a soccer tournament, and Todd's going to the homecoming dance so... I don't know if they'll be there. But anyway, we were talking about what we were going as, and they were teasing Andy about going as a princess(don't ask how we got to that) and Nicki said, "oh yeah, that would be easy for you..." we were laughing so hard; Andy looked ready to kill haha! And then they were trying to guess what I was going as and one of them guessed that, "oh! you're going to be Andy being a princess?" And I'll stop at that because the rest is just...well, we were going a little wild tonight. Oh, Andy is finally moving up to the adult class after December testing!!!! ABOUT TIME, seeing as he's going to be 15 in December. I so have the best friends at Tang Soo!!!! I hope Max and Justin move up with him as they're both 14 as well. OWWWWW I'm gonna be feeling that for weeks to come, but I suppose I shouldn't complain, seeing as Todd made Mike do 35 and the black belts all had to do 45 pushups on their knuckles...he went easy on me. BUT STILL;P

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Tuesday, double classes(and Marc didn't stay for double...GRRRRRRR); Kwan Jang Nim taught the 7:00, Kelly taught the 8:00. Great night; small classes again, though. Got the usual beat-up from Kwan Jang Nim of course...and the usual hug lol he picked me up this time haha...and then had me partner up with someone in the Junior's for reverse punch, round kicks. 7 - just Bob, Paul, Me, Leonard, Lyndon, Jo Ann, and Jo Ann's niece who is a white belt in the Junior's class, but Kwan Jang Nim got her to stay for ours. So...2 red belts, 4 green, and 1 white. It was a great class. Stretched out only by doing the whole *partner takes your leg and pushes it up as high as you can go*...cept in Kwan Jang Nim's case, he put my foot on his shoulder...OW! And then I did Paul, and then we were warmed up...(supposedly...LOL nah it was cool) and so we began with our punches, Kwan Jang Nim doing it at an uneven pace to see how well we were listening and if he could catch us off guard. Then up and down the floor, first front kick round kick, then round round. Lined up and did some target practice; perfecting our round kicks. That was a lot of fun. 8 - even smaller class; just me and Christine and Scott(new, used to be in the military) and Kelly taught. WOW what a workout! First, went easy; stretched, punches, stretch kicks. Then up and down the floor; low block, high block, inside and outside block. Combinations next; sang dan magki tura choong dan kong kyuk. Then ARGH we set up cones; Christine and Kelly in one line, me and Scott in the other. Sprint up, sprint back, 10 pushups, 3 sets. Jump front kicks up and back, 20 crunches, 3 sets. Run backwards both ways, 10 leglifts, 3 sets. 10 LAPS ARGH! THAT KILLED!!! LOL but it was fun, great night. Not gonna see you ppl tomorrow, so I'll see yaz thursday(and Sean, YOU BETTER BE THERE; Lyndon, I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T COME FOR THE 7; and Marc, well, and Sean and Lyndon as well, I'M GONNA KILL ALL THREE OF YOU IF YOU DON'T STAY FOR DOUBLE ON THURSDAY. There, I don't think I was too evil. oh and Katie...where are you??????? hmmm...and Justin and Chris for that matter. And Todd. And....ok never mind, the list is too long. BUT YOU'RE ALL DEAD IF YOU DON'T SHOW UP SOON!!! I will make an exception for Kenny as long as vv wins on Friday.) and idk if I'll be there Friday...I'll try though...

Monday, October 17, 2005


Monday; Kristy taught the 5:30, dad taught the 6:15, and Kwan Jang Nim(!!!) taught the 7:00(yay!!!) which was, of course, great! Only five of us in the 7:00; John Mike, Mr. Reid, Paul, Angel, and me. Worked on details; retracted arm, when to use your hips and your knees for power in kicks, the direction your power should make the target go, and basically just being able to control yourself, making your arms and legs do what you want them to do in terms of where you want them to go and how much force you want to apply. It was a superb class, as always with Kwan Jang Nim. The usual hug before and after... he went over Pyung Ahn Oh Dan and Bassai So with me and Kristy, which was a lot of fun. He went through the whole samurai sword demo in Bassai. He pulled me up(argh, wasnt in uniform yet) during the 6:15 to show the green belts what the moves in Pyung Ahn Sam Dan were for, and ouch! From the top, with the blocks and punches to the groin...argh. I thought it wouldn't get any worse, but then, he wanted me for the double forearm block, spearthrust(ouchhhh!!!! that got me right in the stomach and I thought I was gonna have a bruise arghhh...LOL talking to J. M. and apparently he got the same thing once, yikes...), turn, hammerfist(right on my head!!!! not as bad as the spearthrust but still...), punch(punched me right over the line!!), and then a couple minutes later he went over the crescent kick, block, hammerfist, and so of course this time he was kicking me...I thought that would hurt even more but lol the spearthrust was still the worst. LOL and John Mike and I got hit here and there with the hand target several times during class. Lots of soft laughter during that class; it was great! I can't wait til tomorrow; Kwan Jang Nim told me he'd be there again. Marked cards as usual, put them away. Sparred with Des and Nicki in the lobby...Des said Justin was on crutches...Lyndon if you see this, tell him to hurry up and get better; I wanna see Paula beat him up before I move!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

9/23/05 - Staffs!!!

Wow so much fun tonight! Worked staffs; 6:15 - Dave, dad, Katie, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Gary, Sherry, Angel, Paul, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, me, Sarah, Woody, Marc, Shawna, and Jo Ann. Split up and worked it, while Sa Bom Nim was teaching Bong Hyung Ee Bu to some of the higher students. But the best part of tonight was before and after class, when Megan and Aaron and I were flipping! And Dave did a one-handed cartwheel! Aaron did a one-handed cartwheel, too. Megan's a master at handstand-walks! We were teaching Aaron how to do a handstand; he did it for the first time tonight and he did great! It feels so good, I can still do a round-off handspring, a one-handed front walk-over, and a front handspring step-out. And I did a handstand triple pirouette for the very first time!!! lol sorry, I was going crazy. Megan and I had a handstand contest, and we were flipping up and down the floor, it was so much fun!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I'VE BEEN TAKING KARATE FOR A YEAR TODAY! ok lol just had to say that. 7:00 - Katie, Kristal, Gary, Sherry, and me. 12 laps. Then up and down the floor techniques, basic punches, mid-, high-, and low-section. Then mid-, low-, and high-section knife hands. Then sang soo ahneso pakero magki, tura kwan soo kong kyuk. Again, double forearm block, then spin around 360 degrees, backfist. Then front, round side, and jump front kicks up and down the floor, nonstop. Then we had a long break cuz Sa Bom Nim wasn't feeling too good. He told us to work forms, and that it didn't matter what form we worked on as long as we were working. Katie worked on Chil Sung 3 and that form from the seminar with Cynthia. It was cool watching her. Sa Bom Nim watched me do Oh Dan. I worked that, and Sa Dan, and Chil Sung Il and Ee Ro Hyung. Sa Bom Nim explained to me what the first 2 moves of Chil Sung 1 were supposed to be, in a self-defense sense. But the form itself is focusing on breathing when it is performed. He had us do 20 pushups at the end. We had to do 30 v-ups(ooooo I hate those!) at the start of class. Stayed for the 8:00, Kelly taught. Sa Bom Nim bowed us in and out, though. It was Sean, Leonard, Lyndon, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Dave and ?. I did 5 laps at the start of class. Pulled 3 bags, groups of 3, me and Sean and Lyndon on one bag. Kelly worked us out, alternating 30 punches in kee mah jah seh, and 15 reverse punches in fighting stance on each arm, 20 crunches on the floor, 20 tricep pushups, and mountain climbers. Alternated about 3 times. Then 15 kicks on each leg, went one at a time and counted for each other(man, Sean and Lyndon were hitting that bag so hard....)front, round, side, and back kicks, alternating with leg raises and crunches. 10 more laps at the end of class, then cooled down and stretched out a bit. Watched Kelly do her make up test, then Sean, Jo Ann, Shawna, and for a bit, Lyndon and Leonard, and I all hung out for a bit, first inside, then outside as I waited for dad. Had a really nice long conversation about testing and stuff. Sean said that he'd have to chain me to a wall again...and Lyndon was sparring with me in the lobby. Great night, I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow! And it's staffs at bbc!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


First of all...thanx Lyndon:-) I'll miss all of you guys, too. And will definitely keep in touch! Don't worry, ought to see each other every three months, won't give Sean any reason to chain me to a wall... LOL!

Last night 7:00 - Just Kristy, Paula, Sherry, Marc, and me. But AAARRGGHHH Sa Bom Nim gave us a beating! Warmup included 12 laps and 30 jumpingjacks. Then we each had one wavemaster to ourselves and we had to do (10 on each leg and 10 jumpingjacks inbetween each set of 10) front, round, side, spinning back, jump flying side, jump spinning back, spinning back hook, ax, step up double round, and step up side kicks. We also had to do front arm jab, reverse punch. 20 each side. Then cones, running back and forth between them. First running down, walking back. Then run down and run backwards back. Then sideways, stepping in front, then behind, and so alternating. Then 50 crunches, 30 leg raises, 30 left and right obliques, then 30 leg raises on each side. LOL I meant to stay for the next one, but I couldn't possibly after all that! and I'm glad I didn't because I saw Paula make them do 60 jumping jacks, and 15 laps! AAARRRGGHH! and I saw them dragging out the wavemasters as I left. Was sparring with Lyndon before his class and tried a jump spinning back kick for the first time. LOL he said I was in an agressive mood that night and asked what had put me in such a good mood. Cristhian saw it and said that he'd never seen me do that before and that I ought to do it when I spar. 8:00 was Cristhian, Angel, Lyndon, Leonard, Shawna, Jo Ann, Dave, and his buddy. Kelly was there, but she was talking to Sa Bom Nim, I guess about a make up test.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

9/17/05 - Testing; A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!

We left the house at around 9:30. We got there, I set up. 10:00 - Little Dragons Beginners. Judges: Dad, Katie, Sa Bom Nim, Kwan Jang Nim, and Dave. So cute! Patrick was so funny. Erica didn't test. They were so funny when they were doing forward rolls on the mats! Jordan was there. 11:30 - Little Dragons Advanced; I remember Michael, Migi, Jason, Kyle, and Joey. I don't remember who else was there. Judges: same as the previous test, plus Amy and Paula, minus Kwan Jang Nim. We were saying how Jason was going to be a second Master Todd when he got older; his jump front kicks are so high! LOL 1:00 - Juniors. Same judges as the before, plus Paula. Andy pre-tested. Justin and Chris weren't there. They're doing a make-up. Juniors was good; I didn't get to see much of it because I spent most of my time hanging outside with Aaron and Sarah and Michael. Hey, I only see them twice a month! 2:30 - US!!! aaaarghhh! lol. No, it was good. Judges: Dad, Paula, Sa Bom Nim, Katie, Amy, and when Kenny showed up, he joined them. Warmed up, then did kicking drills to the targets. Kenny showed up as we were stretching out. 3 lines; me, Sarah, Jo Ann, Leonard, Lyndon, and Aaron in my line. Worked round kicks, jump front kicks, side kicks, spinning back hook kicks(for green belt and above; orange and below did step up hook kick), and flying jump side kicks. Katie held for our line, I think Amy and Kenny held for the other two. (Got...uhhh...punished?... for not bouncing, so we had to do 20 pushups, poor Sean, only one arm...arrgh) Allowed a quick water break. Then forms. Then sparring; I sparred Sean(THANK YOU! for a great sparring match!) which was a lot of fun! Paco was recording. CONGRATULATIONS MEGAN!!!! Megan had to spar Katie(whoa, sister vs sister. yikes.), and after a bit, Sa Bom Nim threw Kenny in there. Poor Megan, she couldn't breathe. But she's a Cho Dan Bo now, and she'll be going for Black Belt in March. Way to go, Megan, indomitable spirit! Got my stripe; 5th gup green belt. Congrats to everyone in my group! You guys all did fantastic! And especially to those who got new belts; Sherry, Angel, and Paul, RED BELTS!!! and Shawna, and Christine, GREEN BELTS!!!! But the highlight of the day was definitely the 4:00 testing. WHOA! Sean, Aaron, Sarah, Cristhian, Marc, Shawna, and I all stayed for that(I managed to convince Sarah and Aaron to at least stay until sparring, but lol after they saw that, they didn't want to leave!). Wow, Sa Bom Nim worked them hard. Saw them do combinations up and down the floor. Oh, right, it was John Mike, Doc, Katie, Paula, and Paco. They were doing forms, so Aaron and Sarah and I took a walk outside. It was a good thing, because I think they were a little bored; they've never seen a black belt test. I sort of regret it though, because I missed John Mike's break! AAAARGHHH! JUMP SPLIT KICK, JUMP SPINNING BACK HOOK KICK, AND A HEAD BREAK! AND I MISSED IT!!!!! Oh well. Too late. Anyway, got back from our walk. They did their one-steps, then self defense. Sean was saying how he like watching Katie, because she was so creative. I agree! It was great! Obviously John Mike had to defend against a gun; they put Kenny to it, so he got taken down a few times. Doc had to defend against escrima and knife attacks. Paula and Katie also had to go against knife attacks. Paco! had to defend against a couple grabs and punches...and his partner was...da da da da....KENNY! And OMG! Paco took him down! MY BROTHER TOOK HIM DOWN!!! I'm sorry, I was going nuts, cuz I mean, Paco's a good two feet shorter than him! Ok, 1 1/2 feet... but still! It was so COOL! lol, yeah I mean. But hey, Kenny was laughing later :-) Sparring...John Mike...wow. I can't find a word that expresses everything that went on. It was horrible...horribly amazing! John Mike had to spar Paula, then Sa Bom Nim had Katie and Kenny go in. And you know, it was 2nd degree testing, so John Mike had to go for a good 5, 10 minutes? Then...round two. Against Sa Bom Nim. I can't describe it. I couldn't stop screaming for him, he was so tired and he just wanted a drink. He must've felt like his mouth guard was choking him. He got so beat up, he fell a couple times. But he didn't give up, and we were so proud of him. I can't describe the feeling that we all get when we're watching black belt sparring. And I felt even more intensely than I've ever felt it before. I was in a group with Sean, Sarah, Aaron, Dawn, Cristhian, and Brian. We just couldn't stop screaming for him, cheering him on. What else could we do? I can't describe how horrible it is, and then how wonderful it feels when it's all over. John Mike was so overwhelmed when he got his belt and his certificate. He was crying, he couldn't stop, and I heard him say, "I never thought I'd make it this far." None of us have ever seen him like that. It was such an amazing night. I think this was one of my favorite black belt tests. Out of all the ones I've been to, this was definitely one of the best. Got quite a few pics; Amy, Kenny, John Mike, Sean, Paco, me, Aaron, and Sarah; Sean, me, and Lyndon; Nicki, Sarah, Aaron, me, and Katie. I'll upload those some other time. And John Mike's gonna give me a copy of this pic that his dad took of us. So I'll get that on here, too. I think Amy drove home, and I think she gave Kenny a ride. Sarah rode with Aaron; they did stay for the whole test, lol. Right now, I'm jc, waiting for tita Mina, tita Aleli, and unc to get back from Mass. So, c~yaz next week. Congrats to everyone who tested, ESPECIALLY to Megan and John Mike. You guys rock! ALL OF YOU! Thanx for the memories... -ais:P

Thursday, September 15, 2005


7:00 - Costas, Paula, Kelly, Paul, Angel, Sherry, Marc, and me. Worked up and down the floor techniques and, whoa, that was cuhrazyy! Worked on defensive and offensive hip turns, breathing, moving forward, and just technique in general. Then worked forms. 8:00 - Cristhian, Sean, me, Leonard, Shawna, Jo Ann, and Dave. Ran 10 laps, then back and forth between the cones, techniques down and run it back. It was me and Sean and Cristhian in one line, we actually did more than we were supposed to, and we were ahead. So while we were waiting for the other line to finish up, we were dancing! ROTFLWTIME that was great:-) C U GUYS @ TESTING!!! and I'm gonna be there the whole day. (EEEEKKK! well, s all good:-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


7:00 - Kristy, Dave, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Bob, Paul(!!! now...where was Andy? and Max?? and Justin???), Angel, Sherry, and me. Worked forms, one-steps, and I asked to break again at the end of class. I got it on the first try!!! lol going nuts:-) 8:00 - Paula, Kelly, Cristhian, Sean, Lyndon, Leonard, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, Christine, Dave, and someone I don't know; she was taking a trial class. We did circuit(aaarrghh my arms hurt so bad after that! well, poor Sean, he couldn't even switch arms! and he has to test with it, too...), forms, and techniques. C~yas Thursday!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

9/10/05 Black Belt Run

Black Belt Run: got home at around 5, got there at 10 to 3. Just us, John Mike, and Kenny. Well, and the rest of John Mike's family, of course. I took care of Yena for a bit, cuz she wanted to run with me, so I let her. rotfl she was running so hard, and of course I didn't have any trouble keeping up, so I let her get ahead for a bit, and then when I caught up, she'd be so tired, it was funny. I don't think dad ran the whole thing. Well, no one did, 'cept John Mike of course.When she got restless, I took her to dad and the boys over at the playground(well, one of the many at Mellow Park lol) and I ran by myself a bit. Took a break when I got back to seat. When John Mike passed us, Kenny and I joined him for his last lap. Paco joined us near the end, and at the same time, Kenny left to say hi to someone he knew(there was a soccer game; vv vs ?) and so John Mike and Paco and I finished the lap. Oh, vv won the game last night:-) Congrats! Yeah so my afternoon was divided between babysitting, running, and jc. Kenny caught a crawfish(supposedly 4 me, or so he said...?), but I told him to go put it back lol.

the prophecy of testing

i can see your future (wind, rain and lots of cayote howls), i see that testing will be very very soon (lightning illuminates a scary figure), if you fail (thunder) you must try again. . .ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! for i can see your future.

oooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww! or black belt run

whoohoo what a run man! my legs are aching, i must have run about 7 miles (playground+running), i had such a good time


Friday, September 09, 2005


BBClub 6:15 - Costas, Dave, Katie, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Cara, Sherry, Danielle, Aaron, Marc, Woody, Christine, Jo Ann, Shawna, Sarah, and me. Worked staff forms. LOL I was standing over in the lobby, John Mike comes over and he's like, "Don't tell me I'm the only one running tomorrow!" and so I said I'd be there, and he was like, "You better be...!!!" So the rest of the night I was sorta askin around who was going to the run. Cristhian looks like he's going, Aaron is gonna try. Marc has work, Todd has a game, idk about Danielle. Lots of people got staffs, those black and red ones that screw together. I think Katie(red?), Cristhian(black), Sherry, Danielle(wood), Aaron, Marc(black), Christine(red?), Jo Ann(red), Shawna, Sarah(black?, and Todd(red) all got staffs(whoa...), and as you can see, I tried to put the colors where I remembered them LOL...C u guys @ the run!!! G2g ttyl ppl...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

7:00 - Kristy, John Mike, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Angel, Sherry, Marc, and me. Got our white and blue stripes. My break totally sucked though, it took my at least 15 tries. Ridiculous. It wasn't until Sean came in that I did it. THANK YOU SEAN!!!!! lol.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Leavin any time before 8 AM. lol. that means it could b midnight when we leave. ill c u guys in 3 weeks. 4 those of u that read this...yo ppl @ tang soo. BLOG! lol. if u have time. ppl @ choir, cant wait 2 c u guys!!! ive missed u guys soooo much!!! sep 7th, 22 days and counting... ppl in the neighborhood...c u guys around in a couple weeks. and 4 those of u takin a break from karate...U R DEAD.(btw i think im only addressing 1 person when i say that. s all good. g2g miss yaz! always, ais:P

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Yo ppl just wanted 2 say that 4 those of u who didnt know, the creed has been changed...i fixed it, c above...

Friday, August 12, 2005


BBClass and Club tonight. Which was greatttt! Doc, Tommy, Dad, Paco, Todd, Ian, and Bruce in the 4:45. Wow, Paula gave them a workout! LOL, well, that's Paula... 5:30 LOTS of kids...can't remember everyone of course LOL but I do remember that, besides my own brothers, of course, there was Paul, Chris, Andy, and Jordan. I don't remember anyone else, though. Dad and Todd helped out with that class. In my class: Dave, Dad, Todd, Cristhian, Bob, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, Marc, me, Sarah, Jo Ann, Christine, and Shawna. OMG right in the middle of warmup, when we were doing arm circles(I think...something...rotating...something. LOL), the power went out. Dad and Dave went to see if we were out, like, out of power, so anyway, we were. So...the rest of the class was in total darkness, and the lights(and the fans, for that matter) didn't go on until we were about to bow out! It was so funny... Anyway, GREAT CLASS!!! Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun! LOL. Actually, I think it was more fun with the lights out. It was great. LOL Oh Man! The clock didn't stop of course, cuz it was on batteries! LOL oh well...So anyway, right after warmup, we got our gear on. We partnered up and sparred, just to warmup a bit. I sparred Todd and Danielle. Then, we...uh...didn't circle up, rather we were just sitting in a group facing the windows so that the people could spar in the light. (And so that the judges could see...) I sparred Cara and Sarah. It was fun! A lot more fun than I usually have with sparring. The most exciting match was Aaron vs. Cristhian. LOL we were saying it was partly because they were both so tall, their kicks are amazing. LOL we were talking a lot while that match was goin on; about how Cristhian's legs were longer, blah blah blah....Crazy match, those two were goin at it like hammer and tongs, Geez! It was a great match! (Then again, there were a lot of great matches that night! LOL) The longest match was between Dave and Bob, cuz it was only Paula and dad judging, and so of course they have to agree for there to be a point. So they kept on seeing different things of course, and so they kept on calling different points, it was so funny(and of course, in the background..."...we could be here all night...we'll be here til nine sparring...it's ok...slumber party at the karate school...ooohh we're gonna be here a while..." all in good fun of course, it was fun watching that one, too, and we were quite enjoying the lenght of it). Shawna and Danielle sparred each other, and so Paula was joking about how that was why she taught, so she could get them to spar. "Just to get them in the same room...!" ROTFL and of course, since we were all sitting on the ground, there really was a lot of *rolling on the floor laughing*(not me...! It was really just one person actually...if you ppl can guess who...oh im dead now aren't I ROTFL...) Don't think I've ever laughed so much in one class. It was great! sitting around in the dark, no fans, hardly any light for it was starting to get dark, and besides that, it had just rained, and was still drizzling for that matter, just hanging out, laughing, a lot of "under their breath," if you will, "whoa"s and "aahh"s and stuff, and a lot of low whistling, you get the idea. It was fun, in the dark lol. Killed someone's foot, and head I think..(yah I was askin for it, but you didnt give it to me...)I think the dark also made it more enjoyable than usual. Really great night. 'S all good...night ppl. BTW..I'll be at class tomorrow if any of you are going. And Monday and Tuesday, cuz we're leaving on Wednesday for St. Louis, and we're staying there for three weeks. Meanwhile, dad's gonna be in Germany, so we'll see you guys in September. Oh, and I forgot to say last night that Paula said that Justin and Chris are going for their black belts next month, if they're ready. Right, ttyl ppl... always, Undómiel of Imladris, aka Ais:P

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Double tonight!!!! 7 - Katie, Paula, Bob, Sherry, and me. Warmup, then kicks, rotating, one in each direction. First front, the round, and last side. Then we worked techiniques with our nunchucks, and then we got to the form. Found out what the surprise at the seminar is gonna be, but I'm not sayin nuttin... lol. 8 - Kelly, Dana, Lyndon, Leonard, me, Christine, Shawna, Jo Ann, and Dave. Ran back and forth between the cones, then stretch kicks down run back, then side stretch kicks and running back, then front and round and side kicks, doing crab walks back. Then self-defense, one-steps, and forms. Great night!!! 120 jumping-jacks total! 70 in the 7:00 and 50 in the 8:00 mann. C u all 2morrow.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

7:00 - Dave, Katie, Megan, Gary, Marc, me, and Jo Ann. Worked forms, one-steps, and self-defense.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


7 - John-Micheal, Katie, Costas, Megan, Cristhian, me, and Jo Ann. Worked forms, staff forms, and sparring. Fun fun fun. Got quite a few new signatures...Jo Ann("To one of the most fun people at karate,"), John Mike, Cristhian("To the Kayaking Queen from the guy that had to babysit all of you,"), Katie("Aisa, we need more evil plans! lol."), Shawna, and Megan. LOL lots of funnn today.

Monday, August 01, 2005


nm 2 say...picked up the boys from karate earlier..was the whole class includin amy... against todd, sa bom nim, john-michael, and doc playin dodgeball in the juniors...it was down 2 every1 against todd an todd jumped up against the mirrors and he sorta hit his knee on the wood and well...he was limpin and when he came over 2 the lobby, he was walkin around and his face was all scrunched up....said his knee was throbbing...ouch...well, he wasnt so hurt that he couldnt laugh when i said whoa somethin really happened 2 u 2 make ur face go all red like that what the heck...suggested that he sit down and breathe and he said nah hed work it out...so he goes out on to the floor and starts jumpin up and down lol...was talkin 2 nicki again about kayaking...assured him that he wouldnt fall out and get eaten by a shark...nm else 2 say...talked 2 justin a bit while waitin 4 paco...pics should b comin in soon...4got 2 get john-michaels s/n...and justins 2 4 that matter...looks like lots of ppl r on vaca....danielle just got back.. only ppl on right now r shannon, steph, abbey, candi, kenny, sarah, the other steph, and ninong...ought 2 sleep...loong day 2morrow...suppose ill c katie and j.m. which is good...point sparrin in bbclub this month...wow cant believe its august already...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

7/26/05 and 7/28/05

Ok. Tuesday 7:00 - John-Michael, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Kelly, Bob, Cristhian, me, and Marc. We worked forms and self-defense. Today 7:00 - Carol, John-Michael, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Bob, Cristhian, Christine, me, and Marc. We worked up and down the floor techniques(with Sa Bom Nim only giving us the korean, to see how we were with our terminology) and forms.

Friday, July 22, 2005


6:15 - Kristy, Dave, Katie, Megan, Gary, Cara, Aaron, Danielle, Woody, Marc, Sarah, me, Shawna, Jo Ann, and Christine. Worked escrimas. Which was great. LOL I was so blind on Sunday, I looked right at someone, didn't see them, and then Tuesday I ask why they weren't at the park. I totally forgot to mention that on Tuesday Aaron was teasing me cuz I asked him where he had been Sunday, and it turns out that he had been there the whole time and that in the whole 6 hrs that we were at the park, I didn't see him!"I swear, you looked right at me and didn't see me!" Ridiculous. LOL I'm gonna have blisters. My hands are hurting from the wood. KK gonna go, talkin 2 steph.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Went to Tang Soo for pics. That was soooooooo much fun!!! LOL we had a family pic. Hung out, of course, which was fun...the usual, with a couple additions. Todd, Dana, John-Michael, Aaron, Gabi, Justin, Chris... 's all good lol. Looks like Yena made a new friend, too. LOL Justin and Chris' little sister, Carly. Cute kid. We had a lot of fun, lots of laughs, it was great...Aaron started dancing ROTFLWTIME...it was great. Todd had to leave rather early because of something at his church... Dana and Kelly and Ian had a lot of really cute pics taken... I think John-Michael left right after the group pic, I don't remember seeing him after that... Aaron left early, too, a couple minutes after the group pic... Gabi and Justin and Chris and I were all standing together in line, so we had a very long, funny, pleasant conversation...(long, because of how long the line was. not that I minded at all, though. made more time for chatting. 's all good)

first day .................. in the juniors

had a great class yesterday (i think i did a good job for a first-timer) let me see,what did we do yesterday, hmmm, well we did laps, we did warmups, we did jump front-kicks, we did jump side-kicks, we did jump split-kicks & a jump side kick to one side & a reverse punch to the other & then we played dodge-ball we lost.


Monday, July 18, 2005

School Picnic @ Lackawanna State Park

The picnic was a blast!!! Dad and Paco and Migi and Yena and I got there, and we drove around, but we couldn't find them. Finally, dad and Paco decided that they might as well make the most of it, so they went boating, and left me with the kids. I wasn't satisfied with driving around, and I took the kids for a walk. LOL we found them. That felt good. We hung out while waiting for dad and Pacs. I got the cooler and the balls and the badminton set out from the car. Cristhian and I played badminton for a while, and then dad got back. We hung out, ate some, and then Cristhian, Nicki, Mackenzie, and I went out in a rowboat, which was fun. Got rather wet, I mean, more wet than usual, considering that it was a rowboat and not a kayak...LOL. When we got back, the Erbs were there. Ate some, then went swimming. Cristhian, Michael, Steph, Marc, and I had a handstand contest, and Marc won! Sooo much fun in the pool. Got dunked a couple times. Well, almost anyway. I think I got dunked by Steph, Dana, Sam, Michael, Mackie, and Todd. Splashing around in general of course, standing around and Marc just goes and splashes me. Funny, I wasn't even shivering when I got in the pool, it wasn't cold at all, but rather refreshing. Sa Bom Nim and the kids were playing football, and I think wrestling for the ball in the water took the place of tackling LOL. Even Kiana's mom joined in! LOL so much fun to watch! Getting chased around the pool is...difficult...LOL my favorite escape is diving and swimming very very close to the bottom, swimming towards the shallow end, and once I get to about 3' deep, go into a handstand and fall into the water with a huge splash, which gives me enough time to come up for air, take a breath, and swim for it again LOL. Right, c u guys Tuesday!

Thursday, July 14, 2005


7:00-Carol, Costas, Paula, Cristhian, Bob, Gary, Angel, Marc, and me. Worked on the bag all night long. Jump side kick; front arm jab, reverse punch, round kick; jump front kick; front front, same jump; front round, same jump; side back, same jump; last of all, jump split kicks. Eeeeeeeek. Anyway, after class, I was hanging out with Panos and Stavros. Both signed my autograph book... Anyway, Panos and I were singing Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and Stavros said, "No Aisa, shallow, not shadow.." LOL...and of course I said that was the next line...LOL

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


7:00-Costas, Krystal, Paula, Cristhian, Bob, Angel, me, and Marc. Worked kicks and self-defense. 11:00 AM-Carol, Paco, Migi, Christine, and mom. Worked about the same as us in the 7:00 except no self-defense. Ok...haven't blogged in a while...going back in time...if I can remember lol... Yesterday at the 5:30: Paco, Migi, Kiana, and some othere kid...I forget. Sa Bom Nim and Amy taught that one. 6:15-Amy, Justin, Chris, and two others... Master Todd warmed them up. Saturday the 9th at 11:00 was Migi, me, Shawna, mom, Gabi, and and new guy, Dave. Kelly taught and Kristy helped out. We sparred. Friday the 8th at 4:45 was...oh boy, can't remember. LOL well, Katie was there...and Todd E., and my brother, and I think Doc and Tommy were there, and I know Costas was... If anyone else was, I can't remember now. The kids BBClub was huge, so forget that. I took the 6:15 for the first time... I'll name all the people I remember. Ok... Gary, Aaron, Danielle, Sarah, Todd E., Bob, can't remember any more, but there was definitely more than that. Todd was my partner and we worked Escrimas. Kyo Sa Nim taught. I totally forget what happened on the 7th so forget that... ummm...on the 6th which was Wednesday...they worked Escrimas in BBClass. Partnered up: Doc and Tommy, Paco and Matthew, Todd and Gannon, Amy and Sa Bom Nim. 77 people going to the picnic so far!!! Nuts. LOL so, who am I going to see there???

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


5:30- Doc, Tommy, Paco, Matthew, Todd E., Gannon, and Amy. Waaaaaay toooooo many kids in the 6:15 for me to remember lol. Didn't stay for the 7:00 because dad was sorta feverish. Anyway, they worked escrimas in BBClass. Master Todd warmed up and, more or less, taught the 6:15. Todd E. helped out. Not much else to say....


that was fun! i fought jason. final score 3-2 in favor of jason. it was a good fight,but he really needs foot gear! lol. it was like this see we were sparring & he did an inside/outside kick i was limping as i came back.

tang soo!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


SO GOOD TO BE BACK!!! 7:00- Kristy, Costas, Paula, Gary, Cristhian, Bob, Christine, Marc, and me. 8:00- Kelly, Cristhian, Angel, Lyndon, me, Leonard, Shawna, Dawn, and Cableton. lol...don't have much time to write, so I'll just say that class was super!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

6/26/05 Happy Birthday!!!

Heyyyyyyy!!! Happy birthday to Paco, J, Kenny, aaaaaaaaaand Zach! Whew! Did I miss anyone???

Saturday, June 25, 2005

6/25/05 Testing

Testing!!! Eeeeek! Well, all the members of the blog were at testing except for Todd E. Mom didn't test. LOL we were the first ones there! We were out there for a couple minutes before Sa Bom Nim came. Paco, dad, Todd L., Kwan Jang Nim, Sa Bom Nim, Kristy, and Costas were judging at the 10:00, at the 11:30 I think it was pretty much the same except that Kristy was replaced by Katie, for the Juniors Amy and Paula showed up, and during my test it was the same except that Todd left; he went to a graduation party. The heat was killing me...I was literally wet by the time testing was over. We didn't break, but we had to do self defense(!!!) and I was partnered up with Kelly and Sarah. I had to spar Kelly! and Sarah. One steps I was with Sarah, and I attacked for Kelly. Dana tested with the Juniors. For self defense we had to do a punch to the face and a lapel grab...I accidentally hit Sarah...and it was on the head, too...I was so embarrased...There were 19 people testing in the Adults, I think there were 27 people in the Juniors...Both the 10 and 11:30 were small. Gabi and Katie and I were laughing cuz I reminded Gabi about the Saturday class with Kristy...Everyone did soooo well! Congrats to everyone!!! Fun having so many friends:-) Talking to Amy and Katie and Justin and Aaron and Todd and everyone...I hate to think we'll be leaving soon. I'm gonna miss out on Justin's black belt test...and Chris, too, for that matter...which sux...but Kwan Jang Nim promised me they'd record it for me so I could see it. I got my invitation to BBClub and I got my uniform. Yay! Blog more later...Max's turn now. Oh yeah...we brought Max and Ben and Vince with us. I think they got a littly bored...but they were laughing during the lil' dragons test...Patrick and Erica are so cute...and they said they wanted to watch Migi test. They left with mom during the Junior's test, they came back for the adults...and I think Kuya took over the camera a couple times..

Thursday, June 23, 2005


7:00 six people: Megan, Bob, Angel, Sean, Marc, and me. We worked our one-steps and self defense. 8:00 fourteen people: Kelly, Dana, Sherry, Angel, Lyndon, Leonard, me, Christine, Jo Ann, Shawna, Brian, Cableton, Kim, and Jackie. We ran through everything for testing. LOL I said I'd blog all this and here I go...1. When we were working self defense Sa Bom Nim asked Megan if she had it and she replied that yes, she did, and then looked away...so Sa Bom Nim asked well, was she going to show him? And then he said that he ought to stop teaching us and we could blame it all on Megan. But it was, of course, all in good fun LOL. 2. Katie came in and of course she wasn't taking class. She had some ice cream with her and Sa Bom Nim asked her if she had some for him and she didn't and he said, "Bad Black Belt!" LOL. 3. Sean did not stay for the 8:00..."I promised a friend...I promised her..." and so everyone was like, "Ohhhh, you promised her...oh of course now we get it..." so there you go, I promised I'd blog about these things, and I did. ROTFL

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


7:00 only 4 people: Megan, Bob, Christine, and me. 8:00 was much bigger: Kelly, Cristhian, Dana, Sherry, me, Leonard, Lyndon, Shawna, Jo Ann, Christine(the other one, that is lol), Brian, Cableton, Kim, and Jackie. In both classes, we worked up and down the floor techniques, combinations for sparring, and some people worked their one-steps. Mr. Costas taught both, as Sa Bom Nim is out of town. Katie can't take class for a week, but she'll be judging on Saturday. Pinedas and Manahans and uncle Topey are coming for testing(I think...)

Monday, June 20, 2005

6/20/05 Red Barons Baseball Game

We went to the game. There were about 30 of us. LOL Paco, Migi, Kiana, and Charley were chosen to play musical chairs out on the field at the bottom of the fourth inning. The rest of us were screamin "Tang Soo!!!" while they were out there. It was great. They even announced that the four kids were all from Tang Soo Karate USA and when we heard that, we were screaming so loud...I had soooo much fun. We didn't have any funnel cakes...but that's ok. I had so much fun. Migi and I shared some ice cream, Yena was being silly, Kiana and her mom were dancing, Skylar sat with us for most of the game, mom took lost of pics, all the kids were very well-behaved...It was great!!! The boys both got 2 free tickets eack for playing musical chairs LOL:-) So we have to go to another game before we leave...and we were hoping we could go with the rest of the school again...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

6/19/05 - not a class, just random info

found out that kenny wont b back until the 28th...check it out.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


LOL 11 AM: dad, me Shawna, mom, and Gabi. Kristy taught and we were having a lot of fun...ok, maybe a little too much fun. But that's ok, I think it is a good thing to have a class like that every once in a while. Laughing is one of the things that keeps me alive LOL. 12:00: dad and Kristy taught and Todd and I helped out. We had some fun...Skylar is so cute:P Laughing so hard over the boys' yells...Paco and Migi were yelling "haduken" or something like that...ROTFLWTIME. There are 10 invitations waiting to be answered; Paula, ?, Dana, Christine, Bobby, ?, Kenny, Sarah, Marc, and Kristy.


we had class yesterday mr. costas was teaching i thought there was bbc but there was only blackbelt class & i had told my mom to pick us up at 6:15 so i had to call her & then all of a sudden dad and ats are here so i end up telleng mom i don't need her


Thursday, June 16, 2005

testing is coming!

(thunder)testing is coming!!(spooky voice & sounds)so be prepared ha ha ha!(lightning flash)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Paco and dad took the 5:30 which was BBClass and then I got Mrs. Erb to let Todd stay, and so he stayed for the next two sparring classes. Paco and Migi sparred tonight, and dad judged. Master Todd ran the kids' sparring classes and then he was warming up the adults when we left. The BBClass was practicing self-defense and they were focusing on grappling techniques. LOL then they...how shall we say it? wrestled? No, that isn't right. Idk how to describe it, but they were trying to cut off each others' air. So dad was against Master Todd and he managed to flip him, and then it was Todd against Sa Bom Nim and then it was dad's turn to go against Sa Bom Nim. I was a little worried about dad hurting himself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


7:00: John-Michael, Katie, Costas, Paula, Megan, Cristhian, Bob, Christine, Sean, me, and Marc. We worked up and down the floor techniques, and then we sorta did a kind of circuit working on kicks on the pads(and I got a major beating from J. M. lol no surprise there...geez that kid has a lot of power...and he uses it, man), and then we sparred. I got Sean to stay, and now I owe him because I had to drop out in the middle of the 8:00 because of my durn knee. I didn't want to give up, but it really hurt when I did a front stance...So anyway at the 8:00 was Sean, Leonard, me, Dawn, Brian, Christine, Shawna, mom, and Cableton. We worked jump kicks, forms, and I broke my board. I broke it on the second try. Mom broke hers and so did Dawn. It was ok...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

USA Karate Championships 2004 & 2005

I was checking out the pics form this year's tournament and last year's. You know Eric won Grand Champion in sparring last year as well as this year? Interesting. Check them out. http://tangsookarateusa.com/USA2005_01.htm compared to http://tangsookarateusa.com/USA2004_01.htm

Saturday, June 04, 2005


just got home yesterday from class & we were sparring at class, man they can fight! i fought todd e., miss amy, master eric & john-michael i lost to todd e.,miss amy & john-michael. i can't believe i won against master eric.

Friday, June 03, 2005


BBClass:Amy, George, John-Michael, Paula, Costas, dad, Paco, and Todd E. They sparred.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Yeah ok, double classes. 7:Costas, Todd E., Kristal, Paula, Woody, Christine, Angel, Sean, me, Marc, and Lyndon. Worked kicks, forms, and self-defense. 8:Kelly, Dana, Sean, ?(someone from Avoca...), me, Marc, Lyndon, Shawna, Christine, Jo Ann, Cableton, and Jackie. Worked basic kicks and forms.

what a class !

that was one fun class, we did warmups ( of course ) & then we did forms from kee cho hyung il bo to pyong ahn sadan ( is that the way you spell it ? ) then master eric took off our tips, then he ( thats a lot of thens ) gave out testing forms. so....... good-bye for now.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


7:00 we worked forms, and up and down the floor techniques. Just John-Michael, Katie, Paula, Bob, Sean(Yay! Your turn, Lyndon!), Christine, Marc, and me. Funny, I thought it would be a much bigger class considering that the school was closed yesterday. Anyway, the 8:00 was much bigger: Kelly, Sherry, Sean, Lyndon, me, Marc(LOL would he have stayed if Paula hadn't asked?), Leonard, Shawna, Jo Ann, Brian, mom, Cableton, Kim, Jackie, and a new student, Laura. Kelly warmed us up, and then we worked our forms.


4:45:Ian, Bruce, Migi, Jason, Panos, Zachary, Karl, Skylar, Stavros, and and orange belt that I don't know. They worked kicks and punches on the wavemasters and then they played dodgeball.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

March 2005 Pics

One-steps...BBClass Friday 3/11

Testing... Saturday 3/12

Easter Party at Tang Soo...also my birthday...Thursday 3/24

Friday, May 27, 2005


At the 4:45 they worked the first dagger form and at the 5:30 they worked the first kama form. 10 people at BBClass and around 15 people at BBClub. Didn't stay for the 6:15. LOL Cristhian thought that his class was at 5:15. He thought that's what Sa Bom Nim said over the phone. For anyone who didn't check the board, the school is closed Saturday through Monday. C~u all Tuesday.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Double classes. 7:00 was just doc, Bob, and me. We worked kicks and weapons. 8:00 was Kelly, Dana, Sherry, Sean, Lyndon, me, Leonard, Shawna, Christine, Brian, Cableton, Kim, and Jackie. We worked up and down the floor techniques, forms, one-steps, and(LOL) torture. Sprint down, sprint back, frog leaps down, sprint back, then jump front kicks down, crab walks back. Cableton said, "That's brutal." and I replied, "No, that's Paula." Wonderful night. Quite refreshing. At the 4:45 the kids did their forms blindfolded, and as Sa Bom Nim was blindfolding J, J reached to pull his belt tighter, and accidentally grabbed Sa Bom Nim's instead. LOL we were laughin so hard; Sam was rolling around on the floor, it was so funny.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Did double classes. We worked advanced kicks and throws during the 7:00, and then we worked basic kicks during the 8:00. We have two new students; Kim and Jackie. Both were at Master Drumm's seminar in April. 7:Bobby, Kenny, Katie, dad, Paula, Gary, Christine, Marc, and me. 8:Sherry, Sean, Lyndon, me, Brian, Shawna, Christine, Cableton, and then Kim and Jackie.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Happy Birthday!

I apologize, I forgot to say that today is Paul's 13th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAUL!!!

5/21/05 - USA Karate Championships

That was one sweet tournament! 38 people signed my shirt. I wore my black and white pants and my white top. I'd sewed on the Philippine flag patches on last night. Paco got 6 trophies, Migi got 4, and dad and mom and I each got one. And they got a couple medals, I think. Dad went for Grand Champion, but he didn't get it. That's ok, he was so close. Todd E. and I were sparring aaaaas usual:-) and just playing around in general as always. Although there were times when we were a lot more serious than we usually are, which I think pleased Steph cuz she didn't feel the need to step between us at all today... Mom and dad both got medals in the jump side kick competition. Master Todd won first in his divisions in both the jump front kick and side kick, LOL we all agreed, no surprise there. It was down to him and Paula in the jump front kick and Todd made 9 feet! We stayed to help clean up and since we also helped set up yesterday, we got free pizza and drinks. So dad got 1st in forms, mom got 3rd, and I got 1st. GO MOM!!!She was the lowest belt in her division! There were at least 6 competitors there. Mostly orange belts and one blue belt. Sarah from Avoca and I were the only ones in our division. I did Sa Dan and she did Ee Dan. Paula was one of the judges. Breaking was first, Paco and Todd E. were in the same division, Paco placed second and Todd placed first. Migi won first in breaking. Sean also won first against Aaron from Avoca. Lyndon, Marc, Brian, and Leonard were all in the same division. Next was weapons, Paco placed second and Migi placed third. Todd E. and George were in the same division, Todd did Jin Te and George did Chil Sung 3. Andy competed in weapons, but did not place, which we all agreed was not fair, as someone from another school who had dropped his staff placed. Andy deserved to place, we all agreed on that. He was the only one with 2 nunchucks, 3 had staffs and 2 had 1 nunchuck each. Oh well. Next was the jump kick competitions. Then Grand Master Pak did a demonstration. Next was forms. Traditional then open. Last was sparring. Paco placed second and Migi placed third. Sparring was a rather dissapointing event for some of the others. Todd E. got kicked in the stomach and the throat, and he also got a small scratch. I was standing with a small group from our school including Steph, Sean, and Todd L., who said that George got a couple bad calls. The last point was disgusting. It was 4/4 and they were going for the winning point. I saw George score, I was so sure that he'd won, and then a point was given to his opponent. I know George scored first and the other kid scored afterwards. I knew, we all saw it. I wasn't the only one, I know. We were all sorta upset, you could see it(and hear it, for that matter) in everyone who'd been watching from our school. Paula won two Grand Champion trophies!!! Forms and Sparring. Both Men's Grand Champion trophies were taken by other schools. Todd L. sparred for Grand Champion, but he didn't spar as hard as he usually does, he said later that he simply was not warmed up enough. I think Bobby was a little upset about sparring, I'm not sure why, I didn't get to see him spar, but he left right after sparring. I saw Master Washington and Mr. Costas having a very serious conversation with him before he left. Don't misunderstand, he wasn't upset because of the conversation, they were talking to him because he was upset. You could see it in his face. LOL I think all the instructors got certificates(including dad:-) and when Todd L.'s name was called, he happened to be sparring in the hall with Todd E. and George, and so I went to get him and they were joking about how he'd done that on purpose so that he could make his "grand entrance", LOL their words, not mine. And when I told him about it later he insisted that it was an accident...(LOL not that I don't believe him) Mackenzie competed anyway, despite her arm, and she and Paul were in the same division, and they did the same form; Sa Dan, same as me. I'll blog more later if I remember anything else. Oh yeah, Megan couldn't compete because of her ankle, and so Katie was the only one competing in her family.

Friday, May 20, 2005


We went to BBClass and Grand Master Pak taught. Then we went to CSE to help set up and we took Todd and Steph E. with us. We helped unload and bring stuff into the kitchen and gym, we unwrapped and set up trophies, we set up the chairs, tables, and we managed to stuff the newspaper into 7 small boxes and we piled the extra boxes underneath and beside the trophy tables. 135 sets of trophies! Although I understand one set was missing. We got back at about 8. Katie and Sean and I were hangin out for a little while at the end. Talkin about school, you know, college, the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT, languages, math, just stuff in general. We were laughing as we left, joking about being there at 7:50 waiting to be the first one to get inside, "Why don't we just sleep at the school?(LOL)" it was soo much fun, I'm soooooo glad we went to help out. Todd and Steph had to leave a little earlier than the rest of us. I wish they could've stayed a little longer, our conversation after they left was even funnier than before, but that's ok, Sean and Katie and I are shooting for 8 AM, LOL as we left I said, "See you guys in...a little more than 12 hours..." but I dunno what time Todd will get there... 11 hours, 14 minutes till the tournament starts!!! I'm sooooooo excited! I need to go sew the patches on to the uniforms.